LETTERS TO SANTA: Northwood, Ashley Hewett’s & Crystal Daniels' class

Editor's Note: The News Bulletin is publishing all North Okaloosa second-graders' letters to Santa Claus throughout December before Christmas. 

Keep reading for more!

PARENT ALERT: All these letters appear in the Dec. 10-12 Crestview News Bulletin. Pick up your keepsake copy here>>

Dear Santa,

I would like for Christmas a new phone because I have never had one. Also, I would like a brand new heating blanket and a new phone for my sister. And I would like to see you.  


Dear Santa,

I would like a new iPad changer because mine is broken. I want a new Xbox, a dog, and the Skylanders Trap Team. And I would like one million dollars.    Aidan

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a Zoomer and a diary. That is it. 


Dear Santa,

I want a computer to put in my bedroom. I want a Xbox.


Dear Santa,

 I would like a chocolate bar maker that I saw on a TV show. I want a Zoomer and a tablet. And some kindness in my family.  


Dear Santa,

I want a PlayStation 4 and a Zoomer Dino. I want something like a money bank and some money.


Dear Santa,

I want a Gameboy play for the game cube.  I want a Minecraft PS3 game. And last but not least a Xbox 360 with kentict. And that’s it. 


Dear Santa,

I want a Xbox, two puppies, one kitten, and another bike. And enough money to be rich. 


Dear Santa,

I would like a tablet, a frozen story, and a coloring picture, and a twenty dollar bill. 


Dear Santa,

I want a doll house, Zoomer, Xbox, and a cotton candy maker.  


Dear Santa,

I wish I had an Xbox One and an iPad. And a bow and arrow but not like a fake one.


Dear Santa,

I would like Elf on the Shelf clothes. One for me and one for my elf. I would  like a ginger bread house. And I would like paper dolls.  


Dear Santa,

I want a dirt bike for Christmas because all my bikes broke. I want a new pair of shoes because all the other ones are broken. And I need a pet. 


Dear Santa,

I want a Minecraft game, an iPad, a phone, and that’s all.  


Dear Santa,

I would like a iPad with a charger and pet dog.   Aubriee


Ashley Hewett’s class

Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Tori and I am In second Grade and I live in Florida. Could you please bring me a Ipod and a Ipod case with white pokedodets and a aqua case, an Elf on a Shelf, and bicycle? I miss you and will you please tell all the raindeers I said Hi?


Dear Santa,

My name is Isaiah will you give me a boomcoblaster and a fone and a xbox one with destne


Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Lizzy. Can I have a lab top with a funn with mines? And books. What wil you like? How is root dof? Can you get my mom a Lab top? Can you get my dad a hat?


Dear Santa,

Hi is its me Landon I am in 2 grade. Can I pleys have a puppy. Santa can I ples have a scat Burd. Sant can I ples have a jakit. Tel every bid that I sed helo even your rander. Hawe have you ben duweng.


Dear Santa,

My name is Serenity. Will you plese git me a bicycie? Will you plese send back?


Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Katy. I am in 2 grade. I’ve been good. Can I pleas have a nook, a no by, and an art?


Dear Santa,

Hi my nam is Ella I was good yesterday Because I was on Blue. Can you pleas Git me a rill puppy, some irings, and a rill kinputere? Can you git Miss Huett some stuff


Dear Santa,

Hey! My name is Tyler. I’m in 2 grade. I like to hunt and fish. I like to help mommy when she cooks. Can you please get me a cross bow with real arrows, rapit fire the one that takes a lot of darks, and a bow with an arrow holder and a arrow holder for the cross bow to? And I had a qustin for you. What kind of cookis do you want? And what kind of Chrismas present do you want?


Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Hannah and I am in second grade. Can I please have a baby alive, a animal babies, and a kichen set? Santa how was your year. Can you please tell your elf that came to Miss Hewetts class thank you for coming. Merry Christmas Santa.


Dear Santa,

Hello my name is Ethan and I live in Crestview, Florida and I am imn second grade. For Christmas, could I please have the lego plice station, the Wii V, and Mario 3D world. You are the best Santa in the world! How do you fly to every house on your slige without being slow?


Dear Santa,

Hellow my Name is Zach. Santa can i plese have a toy zoomer, a elf onm the shelf, and a airsoft gun? Can I pet rodoff because I love rodoff?


Dear Santa,

It’s me Makayla can you send me one of your elfs? Because I’ve been wishing for one. I’ve been on my best behavior. I’m in 2nd grade I’m in Mrs. Hewett’s clas. And can you take me to the north pole I’ve always want to be with you santa? Love you.


P.S. I want to go to the north pole.

Dear Santa,

My name is Emily I am in 2 grade. I will like for a cupcake maker. I will like a peper mint. I will like a dog tow. What do you do for your job.


Dear Santa,

My name is Demytri and I am a boy. Santa can you plese get me a lego skiskraper, a picer of a skiskraper, and a X-winf starfiter. I am going to ecudor.


Dear Santa,

My name is Toni. I have bin a very good girl this year. Santa for Christmas I want a doll, makeup kit, and a toy car. Santa when you come to my house I will have cookies for you.


Dear Santa,

I am 7 years old and my name is Madison. May I pleas have a Elf on the Shelf costume, Endis cris, and a barby dreme house? I name are class elf Fizzly.


Dear Santa,

Hi Santa my name is Arianna. Would you plees give me a puppy, plees can you give me art, and maceup. Can your raindeer talk?


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTERS TO SANTA: Northwood, Ashley Hewett’s & Crystal Daniels' class