GUEST COLUMN: Crestview's goodness starts with you

Looking back on 2014, God has brought me through a trying time. However, I’ve been blessed because He never brings you to anything that He will not carry you through.

There is turmoil and chaos all over the world, and our leaders in Washington do not agree on anything.

Americans are fighting and killing each other daily, and this must stop. 

I am praying to God that each city in the United States can come together and figure out a way to have better relations between the races.

That can start with each one of us: the citizens of Crestview.

Town hall meetings can be a start, but the discussion and working together must go beyond meeting walls.

Cities run well when the mayor, council people and the chief of police work hand in hand with the citizens, religious leaders and business leaders. 

Everyone — regardless of status, title, age and race — has an impact and valuable insight into making this city great. We are all God’s children. 

We may not agree about everything, but we can still have open dialogue with love.

We have good leaders in Crestview, with open doors to the public, but we all have to be willing to walk through them with love; to not just talk, but also have our actions back it up.

I think often of my little town of Crestview. It sits upon a hill and can be a beacon of hope, love and right relationship between all races to the rest of the world.

It starts with me showing love.

It starts with all of us receiving love and looking at others who are different from us not with disdain, but with willingness to learn about them.

It starts with all of us being one family and not divided by "us versus them."

Crestview's becoming a true beacon of all things good starts with you.

Will you join me?

Wishing you all the best in the New Year, and continued blessings from our Heavenly Father.

Mae Reatha Coleman is a Crestview resident and the recipient and namesake of the Mae R. Coleman Citizen’s Award.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: GUEST COLUMN: Crestview's goodness starts with you