HUBBUB: About Crestview's vehicle break-ins, vandalism and theft

These featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect CNB management's views.

About vehicle break-ins…

This is becoming a major problem in Crestview! We need a plan of action.

Chris King

To deter car break-ins…

How about let's (deter) the crime by locking our doors and making sure we take the keys and any valuables inside?

Shame on these people for stealing what's not theirs, but I'm not going to assist them by leaving things out in the open or giving them easy access to my vehicle by leaving the keys in it.

Those are safety measures I have to take for myself.

Melissa Willcut Woollums

Why don't people lock doors?

I just can't fathom why people still leave their vehicles unlocked in this town! Then to leave valuables in there, too…

Pam Cozad Weidenhammer

Target theft chips at public's trust

Criminals like these people (who allegedly steal for personal gain) … lose the trust in our communities and businesses, and make it harder on the rest of us honest non-profit volunteers to help our local community.

Larry Grisham

Sculpture vandalism childish

Awesome! Destroy your own town, huh? That will show the man — how childish…

Robert Rohlfing

Library needs surveillance cameras

I sure hope the ones responsible are caught. I also hope their punishment includes lots of community service.

It's time to put out cameras — too much stuff to steal or vandalize in the library.

Angie Stevenson Nousiainen

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: About Crestview's vehicle break-ins, vandalism and theft