HUBBUB: Mileage tax would hurt Florida's poor

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


By Jonah Irvington

This tax disproportionately affects the poor, as most of them have older cars with poor gas mileage, so they are already paying more to commute.

Add to that a mileage tax, and the fact that all the cheap housing is at least 30 miles away from the only jobs in the area that they are qualified for.

You think crime is bad now? Just wait until folks can't even afford to work and are now having to resort to less than ethical means to survive.

Oppress the working class

This is ridiculous. Here, install a device into your car that lets the government know where you are at all times — or pay a huge once-a-year, lump-sum inflated tax. Let's oppress and rape the working class.

Mike Dunn

Toll booth, yes; tracking device, no

Just put up a toll booth and be done with it. No one will want a tracking device on their vehicle. Period.

How do we know when they'll stop watching? Are we supposed to take their word for it? I think not!

Carol Zukosky-Clemons

State can't help with roads

In other words, this meeting was to tell Crestview, "We can't help you with your road problem … but hey, we have a great way for you to raise revenue in the mean time." 

Mike Sayers

Retail marijuana could help

The tax made off retail marijuana alone would repair all roads and infrastructure in Florida, and put dealers out of business.

But let's not talk facts. Let's speculate with glasses from yester-century.

Robert Damon Bradley

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Mileage tax would hurt Florida's poor