HUBBUB: Cash in, Crestview; focus first on necessities

Editor's Note: These featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


TOP COMMENT: Cash in, Crestview

By Sabrina Knost

This city is no longer a town. We need to accept our population exceeds our venues. We need shopping centers, restaurants that are not just fast food, and entertainment for children and adults. It is time we cash in on our population.


A too-long drive

Please accept that Crestview is booming. Build some nice restaurants and shopping centers. Stop putting in (stuff) that no one needs.

We don't need any more churches, gun shops, pawn stores or vapor shops.

… I love living in Crestview, but driving 45 minutes for a Target is ridiculous.

Scott Harris


Sticking up for seniors

Thank you to Mr. Rytman for looking out for the city's fixed-income residents!

We have a large senior population that would be adversely affected by the fire assessment tax.

At least someone brought that up.

Amber Nicole


Cops need raises

… It's time to raise taxes. Our Crestview police force is way, way underpaid; cops that get paid less care less.

Dan Mackey


Swimming pool for schools

Our schools need a swim team and a place to practice!

Ryan Mabry

••• Get out of the mud

A pool would be nice for those of us who don't like swimming in rivers, lakes and what have you.

A nice (recreation) center would also be nice and, I think, in the long run it would pay for itself several times over. Have an entrance fee and a monthly/quarterly/yearly entrance fee.

As for the library and parks, they should develop a donation system and volunteer programs for anyone who wants to help out in their free time.

Other towns, even ones much smaller, run their systems perfectly fine, so why is Crestview always stuck in the mud?

Sarah Hawkins


An ex-resident's view

I was a resident of North Okaloosa County for most of my life, many years in Crestview (the rest in Baker).

What is sad to me, is after all those years I guess I thought the chaos and disorganization (were) normal.

Now, I live in another state, in a smaller town that utilized planning and budgeting appropriately. Indoor, public pool, dog park, public library, city events that are free, and people actually want to attend. All without losing its small-town appeal.

It's amazing what proper management can do.

Cassie Cato Scofield


Crestview High School left out

What is also ridiculous is the fact that just about every big high school around has a swim team and Crestview does not.

Krista Gray Ladner


Focus first on necessities

If all the thousands of people who want a public pool would contribute a couple of dollars a month, they could have a pool.

In the meantime, our city needs to spend tax money on necessities, like resurfacing streets.

Daniel Bowers


Save Laurel Hill's roads

Sad to think that since 1905 they can't seem to find money to repair roads. They need to consult someone that can help find money to do more.

It would be nice to see more businesses choose to build in Laurel Hill and North Crestview. Dollar General was a nice addition and a good start.


Thousands of residents coming?

Looks like a bit of speculation on the part of city managers. When are the thousands of new residents projected to arrive? Where will they find jobs? How much tax revenue will these thousands generate? Will it be enough to pay for the additional services required?

Wendell Beattie


About those gas prices…

… Our soon-to-open (CEFCO) convenient store (chain) opened their store in Niceville and gas is down to $2.62, $2.65 a gallon. We in Crestview are at $2.76 a gallon. Something's wrong with that picture.

Jason Howard

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Cash in, Crestview; focus first on necessities