3 Crestview bypass questions from a long-time resident

The article about a “dream map” in last week’s Crestview News Bulletin left me with a few questions of interest.

•First, I wonder about this statement: that after the 7th Special Forces located their facility quite close to Range Road 211, “they basically shut down the option” of making that a western corridor bypass route to help alleviate the very crowded, dangerous situation that occurs on State Road 85 twice daily, Monday through Friday, at minimum.

Add to that tourists traveling and occasional evacuations, and we are in a mess. I believe all would agree. Could someone give us written verification that this is a decision that the authoritative powers, either 7th Special Forces or Eglin Air Force Base, have actually made a final decision about?

We, the taxpayers and concerned citizens, have been told so many rumors and misinformation that we have become somewhat dubious about hearsay. It was “rumored” several years ago that Eglin had already granted permission for a western route bypass. True or false?

•Second topic: Money! Since a bypass is going to require county, state and federal funds, has anyone made an effort to seek any federal or state grants? If not, why not?

Certainly, with monies that are thrown around in Washington or Tallahassee, a good grant writer could obtain a major portion of the necessary funds for this desperately needed project.

•Finally, tourists are traffic savvy. If they have to continue to fight this traffic madness, they will begin to drive a few miles east or west from the south of us and take less congested routes just to avoid sitting in stalled traffic.

They can always grab fast food and get gas — cheaper — not risking accidents and frustrating situations. And they most likely will save money.

When we located here in 1983, there was an unwritten understanding that this was a “good ol’ boy” community, and no change was necessary or wanted. I really believe that is not the best attitude to try to hang on to 32 years later.

Some changes are good and some changes are not.

Some changes are necessary.

Moral climates should remain moral. Friendly and loving communities should remain as such. Safety climates should be given top priority and change as necessary.

What’s your view? Email commentary on local issues that you are passionate about to news@crestviewbulletin.com.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 3 Crestview bypass questions from a long-time resident