ROBINSON: Who is racist in 2015? Seriously — you have to ask?

Editor's Note: This column was inspired by this recent column>>

Perhaps the question should be, “Who benefits from racism in 2015?”

•President Obama. Any criticism of his policies is met with cries of racism.

Criticize Obamacare; you are racist. Criticize illegal immigration; you are racist. Criticize the Iran deal; you are racist. 

His election — twice — was supposed to prove that America is post-racial. But he uses race to divide Americans; that’s how community organizers organize — by pitting one group against another. 

From what I see, race relations are worse today than at any time since the late 1960s, early '70s.

•Al Sharpton. He used the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Freddie Gray to raise funds for his National Action Network. (Maybe he will use that money to pay his tax bill?) He is quick to call racism before the facts are in and even after the facts prove otherwise. Google Tawana Brawley.

•Planned Parenthood. It's founded by Hillary Clinton’s hero, Margaret Sanger, who felt that blacks should be exterminated like weeds. 

Planned Parenthood aborts more than 1,700 black babies each day, about half the daily 3,300 abortions performed in the U.S. Yet blacks make up only 12.2 percent of the population.

A recent report shows that the number of black babies aborted in New York City exceeds the number of black babies born there.

Sanger would be proud.

•The Democratic Party and Big Government.  The party that, right up until President Lyndon Johnson figured out how to get “those (redacted) to vote Democrat for the next 200 years," was the party that opposed civil rights for blacks. 

Johnson’s Great Society has done in 50 years what hundreds of years of slavery and discrimination could not — destroy the black family. 

In the 1950s, only one in four black children lived in single-parent homes. Today, that number is three out of four. 

The anti-poverty programs that came out of Johnson's Great Society have not reduced poverty (14 percent in 1965 vs. 14.5 percent in 2014), but they have increased black dependency on government; they are in virtual chains on the government plantation.

•The New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam. Leaders of both groups have called on blacks to kill whites — “every last cracker.”

Oh, wait, which black congressman said “cracker” was a term of endearment? I forget.

•The NAACP. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People does some admirable work addressing racial issues like the case of the children who have been racially harassed in the local schools. 

But they also stir up racial strife where none exists.

They want to eradicate every vestige of Confederate history from American life (a stated goal of the NAACP). Like removing the Confederate battle flag from memorials to Confederate soldiers, like trying to have a portrait of Robert E. Lee removed from Lee County, Fla., property, like digging up the dead? 

Do you really think that this promotes unity and racial healing?

Or is it more likely to swell the ranks of the Ku Klux Klan?

•And the Klan, of course. They have to be loving the current atmosphere. They got to face off in Charleston, S.C., recently against black protestors on TV and the internet.

They are back out of the shadows and even out of the sheets.

The increase in racial tension following the events starting with Ferguson, Mo. last year just fuels their flames.

Don’t encourage them.

Dale Robinson is the Crestview News Bulletin's circulation manager.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: ROBINSON: Who is racist in 2015? Seriously — you have to ask?