FROM THE PULPIT: Focus on life's positive aspects

I am not one for making New Year's resolutions. This year, however, may be an exception. 

Here is why:

When we pay attention to the news of what is happening around the world, it is easy to believe the world is going to hell in a hand basket.  I mean that mostly in a theological sense.

After all, there are wars. There are hate groups. There are diseases ravaging people. Starvation is rampant.

Greed, jealousy, pride, ego and laziness permeate the very corners of many in society.

With all these harmful and hateful events taking place, it is easy to become cynical. 

“Trust no one" and “look out for yourself because no one else will” become mantras by which many learn to live.

Maintaining this mindset is a horrible state in which to live. It blocks out the ability to find joy. It overshadows the bright achievements of young children. It blunts the radiance of contentment.

In a recent article, I offered words of encouragement suggesting you make a New Year's resolution to draw closer to God.

Here's another suggestion: look for life's positive aspects. 

Perusing the positive will positively propel me — and you — to a deeper awareness and relationship with God.

Remember: God does not will for bad things to happen in life.  Bad things happen, more often than not, because people choose to ignore God, at best, and shun God at worst. 

When a person believes they know better than God, others suffer through wars, hate groups, starvation and ailments.

Focus on God. Find again the great joy intended for your life. This joy is a direct result of Jesus Christ coming into the world to rescue people from sin. 

Allow yourself the privilege of reclaiming what God intends for your life — a positive outlook based on the joy that comes from his Son.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview’s pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FROM THE PULPIT: Focus on life's positive aspects