LETTER: Where are Crestview's priorities?

Dear Crestview,

Where are your priorities? No, really. Where are your priorities?

You have school resource officers but you won't put in a light, paint a crosswalk, or have any of those new banks build a sidewalk.  

That was just for the high school.

Let's go to Davidson Middle School. Students are meeting their parents behind the Winn-Dixie parking lot.

What good is your SRO now? Are they off property, or are the kids still your responsibility?

Sidewalk, maybe?

And parents, what are you doing? Are you military, just here a couple of years, and don't care?

Lifelong locals: Do you see the changes to your community and you don't care?

Last local election, depending on where you go, I saw an 11 percent voting rate.

How pitiful. 

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Where are Crestview's priorities?