LETTER: Suggestions for Live Oak Church Road traffic

Dear editor,

To add to Janice Lynn Crose's article about Crestview traffic — As someone who lives off of Live Oak Church Road, I am very disturbed that the area of State Road 85/LOCR is being considered for commercial retail businesses.

As it stands, we already have a bad traffic bottleneck starting at LOCR, continuing through PJ Adams Parkway and Redstone Avenue.

This proposal will compound it, as now —  instead of just northbound 85 traffic to contend with — you will have southbound 85 traffic trying to turn onto LOCR (during rushes) to use these businesses.

Don't forget people departing these businesses trying to merge into northbound traffic.

What is this town and county thinking?

How about they slow business growth first, fix the town's infrastructure and then welcome new growth?

Lastly, because I live off LOCR and work south, I see much of the traffic between 4 and 5 p.m. every day. What I notice is a good chunk of traffic is contributed due to people turning left onto Antioch. That pushes the cars to sit in the left lane waiting for their turn, stopping everyone else trying to pass through.

That left turn lane needs to be severely extended farther south to allow a longer turn lane. (It may help as a bypass for PJ, too).

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Suggestions for Live Oak Church Road traffic