Milligan pastor stands by his sign's words (VIDEO)

The Rev. Mike White, of Milligan Assembly of God, says pastors must stand firm in their beliefs. "It’s time the church acts like the church and be that voice it needs to be — and be unapologetic," he said.

MILLIGAN — The Rev. Mike White says Milligan Assembly of God's controversial sign about the sanctity of marriage came straight from the heart.

"Sometimes, we have to see if we’re really serious about what we believe,” he said. “It’s time for the church to stand up against sin.”

See Brian Hughes' interview with the Rev. Mike White>>

Many of society’s ills rest on pastors afraid to speak up against sin for fear of offending someone and losing members or financial support, White said.

“This is where I feel the church has failed,” he said. “Our ministers who stand in our pulpits have failed to preach against sin. It’s time the church acts like the church and be that voice it needs to be — and be unapologetic.”

The sign raised passionate debate among readers as near as North Okaloosa to as far as San Francisco. Here, he answers some of the questions they raised on Facebook.

Who decides the sign's message?

White: I normally do it. When the Lord gives me a thought, most of the time, it’s me.

What message did you want to send with this sign?

White: I felt compelled by the spirit of the Lord to make a stand. I felt compelled to make a stand and say our church would not perform any homosexual marriage at all.

Did your church members express concerns about the sign?

White: No, sir! The opposite happened. Ours is a very strong church. It stands strong for morality. As a pastor, it’s been eye-opening for me to see that reaction. I’ve been strengthened by our church’s reaction.

Have you received phone calls about the sign?

White: I received two or three extra-length emails, and a total of two or three calls. We got a lot of comment on the internet, too.

Did this sign seem controversial initially?

White: I don’t see what is insulting about what was put on the sign if you’re a Christian. I’m going to Heaven or I’m going to Hell. It’s an inter-self decision that you’re going to have to make yourself. It’s not something you just put on a sign.

What are your views on same-sex marriage?

White: It is a sin. It is a sin against God’s creative work. Not only did God make us in his image, he made us in his likeness. Why would God make anything or create anything that is an abomination against himself?

If someone in your church were gay, how would you treat them?

White: We welcome them here. We love them. We don’t love the sin, but we love them.

“The best thing we can do about sin is get it out of our heart by going to Christ and ask him for forgiveness,” White said.


Milligan Assembly of God displayed a sign — which originally said, "This church does not marry homosexuals" — the week of Jan. 6, when same-sex marriage became legal in Florida.

A photo of it on the News Bulletin's Facebook page went viral, with more than 75,000 views, 800 likes and 400 comments.The display sparked a range of response, from support to understanding the church's position but disagreeing, to  outrage.

Despite the controversy, the Rev. Mike White says, he stands by the underlying message, which he says complements "God's creative work."

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Milligan pastor stands by his sign's words (VIDEO)