LETTER: Milligan Water customers should hold board accountable

Dear editor,

I am a concerned member of the Milligan Water System who wishes to express a few concerns.

We have no idea of what most board members think. After some research, I did speak with a couple of them. The office would not give me phone numbers where these members could be reached — only (gave) me president's and vice president's phone numbers.

I was under the impression these members are public servants and should be available to the public membership.

There are lots of members like myself living on fixed incomes and who never use 3,000 (gallons) we are being allowed for the base rate increase.

Most cannot really afford this increase. They had already started accepting only checks or money orders as payment, which puts an added burden on those who do not have a checking account.

It seems some of these board members are not really concerned for the members. I could see a small increase, which other systems apparently put in effect this year, but to double the rate is just not acceptable. No other system in the (area) has this high of a fee.

Thank you for (getting this) brought to the attention of the people. I've spoken with my county commissioner, and a person from the State Environmental Department, and they of course don't have any control over this and were unable to help us.

The (monthly) meetings are supposed to be open for members to attend, and I feel we should start checking these out and hold this board from going further in debt by getting more loans.

If we don't do something, I fear we could lose our system.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Milligan Water customers should hold board accountable