Newest councilmen gain seats unopposed

Running unopposed, Crestview's two newest city councilmen, Bill Cox and JB Whitten, have won their seats without a single vote being cast.

CRESTVIEW — The two newest city councilmen have won their positions without a single vote.

No other candidates qualified for their at-large seats by the Friday afternoon deadline.

Bill Cox and JB Whitten, running unopposed, will take seats being vacated at the end of March by sitting Councilman Tom Gordon, who is running for mayor, and Councilwoman Robyn Helt, who is retiring from the dais to focus on her family.

The newest council members fill at-large seats: Whitten from Group 1, and Cox from Group 2.

Supervisor of Elections Paul Lux said he was surprised neither candidate faced opposition.

“It’s the first time that I can remember that that’s ever happened,” Lux said. “What makes it more unusual is that it’s the two at-large seats.These are usually the most hotly contested seats. You can live anywhere in Crestview and qualify for those seats, unlike precincts 1, 2 and 3 seats.”

Whitten and Cox also expressed surprise that they had no opponents.

“I really thought there was somebody else waiting to enter the race,” Whitten said. “There are people who have been involved with government who I thought would run.”

Cox said he is glad he won’t have to campaign.

“It was a stress reliever,” he said. “It’s all positive. I’m glad and happy, and looking forward to working for the citizens of Crestview.”

The men, who will officially become councilmen-elect after the March 10 elections, have begun preparing for office, meeting with City Clerk Betsy Roy and city attorney Jerry Miller.

Though they don't have to follow state Sunshine Laws until March 10, both are being careful to not communicate with their future council colleagues — Joe Blocker, Shannon Hayes and Mickey Rytman — about city business.

“I’m going to be safe anyway,” Whitten said. “I’m certainly not going to talk to any other councilman. You’re living in a glass house now and everybody watches what you do. You have to be careful.”

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Newest councilmen gain seats unopposed