City attorney: Gordon violated no laws using city logo

CRESTVIEW — Mayoral candidate Landrum Edwards used the public comment period at Monday’s City Council meeting to criticize another candidate’s use of the city of Crestview logo.

At issue was fellow mayoral candidate, Councilman Tom Gordon’s, use of the city logo on a campaign brochure titled, “Report to Crestview Citizens.”

Council President Shannon Hayes requested Edwards to address his concerns to the council and the city attorney, and refrain from singling anyone out.

“I want to hear what Mr. Gordon has to say about it," Edwards said.

Instead, city attorney Jerry Miller responded, saying that Gordon violated no city laws by using the graphic.

“The city has no regulations in place relating to the use of the official seal,” Miller said. “The official seal is an imprint that is used on documents. It is not this thing here.”

Councilwoman Robyn Helt, who in October 2011 wanted the city to adopt an ordinance governing use of the city logo, also clarified that the image Gordon’s campaign used was not an official city seal.

“It is not a seal,” she said. “It is a logo. The seal is embossed.”

Though Helt’s 2011 motion passed unanimously, city staffers never presented a draft ordinance protecting the logo.

“Mrs. Helt brought this up in 2011 and there was no action taken, so there is no violation of ordinance because we didn't approve any,” Hayes said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: City attorney: Gordon violated no laws using city logo