MEET THE CANDIDATES: You asked, Laurel Hill's council candidates answered

Picture from left are (top row) Debra Adams, Daniel Lane, Scott Moneypenny; (bottom row) Joan Smith, Randy Tickle and Willie Mae Toles.

Editor's Note: Debra Adams, Daniel Lane, Scott Moneypenny, Joan Smith, Randy Tickle and Willie Mae Toles are running for Laurel Hill City Council.  

Each candidate answered two top questions on readers' minds, and offered personal information, as part of our continuing campaign coverage.

How should Laurel Hill address road conditions?

Adams: The recent grant acquired for road resurfacing provides funds for less than 15 percent of the roads in Laurel Hill.

With the completion of this project, more grants will need to be identified for road resurfacing. Okaloosa County has agreed to offer assistance; however, funding for materials will still need to be sought.

Lane: First and foremost is to make use of the $600,000 grant to its maximum, and to identify the streets that need overlaying or repairing the most. The money that is available to the city falls short of the 14 miles of streets that need overlaying or patching.

Moneypenny: Roads are the most problematic issues in communities. They almost always lead back to funding. We must develop a short-term, midterm and a long-term plan. Then set it in place. Continue to research all avenues of funding and use appropriately. Our budgetary restraint is our greatest obstacle.

Smith: "When I retained the position as mayor from 2010 to 2013, we began a program and (were) making great progress by means of a mutual aid agreement with the county to resurface our city streets. (I) would like the opportunity to come back and fulfill this vision." 

Tickle: Work to attract more businesses into the town, which would increase the tax revenue as well as provide jobs to the people here in Laurel Hill. Address the issue of frivolous spending at the taxpayers’ expense.

Toles: Let’s get together and work hard, and get it together and get the job done. It takes the people and the council working together.

What are the city's two most pressing issues?

Adams: In addition to road conditions, another issue is dissolution of the city. This is an issue that will determine the direction of all other issues. "As a council member, I will assure the citizens are well-informed of all aspects of this decision, and have the opportunity for their voice to be heard."

Lane: The resolution of the council seat of Mr. Johnny James (who, it recently was determined, lives outside city limits) and the start of getting the (road) grant money to use before it expires, so the city can get down to handling other city issues at hand.

Moneypenny: Rehabilitate structures: Support residents and refurbish neighborhoods. Work with national, state, local and non-profit partners to prevent vacant and deteriorated properties.

Public trust: Involve our citizens in important decision-making. Install morals and ethics in everything we do by doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.

Smith: We all know that city streets are most pressing, but other major concerns need to be resolved. An “Operating Procedure Policy” for employees and city officials needs to be put in place to ensure all employees know what is expected of them at all times and how they are to receive instruction.

Tickle: "What I feel are the two biggest issues facing the city is the city council working on their own agenda and not working together for the good of the residents; and lack of jobs, not only to provide income for the residents but to also provide tax revenue to the city."

Toles: The roads and the streets. Let’s get them done so we can drive on good roads.


Personal: Lifelong North Okaloosa County resident; grew up in Crestview and moved to Laurel Hill in November 2005. Product of Okaloosa County School District; master’s degree in Education from the University of West Florida. Married to Robby Adams, Laurel Hill mayor, for 20 years; two children, Dylan, 10, and Aidan, 6. 

Occupation: Educator in the Okaloosa County School District since 1994; currently teach secondary mathematics at Laurel Hill School.

Experience: "I have held leadership roles in various school-based duties including Professional Development, School Advisory Council, Equitable Duty Committee, and the Discipline Review Committee. I have most recently served on the Hobo Festival Committee as treasurer."


Personal: Married; nine children; member, First Baptist Church of Laurel Hill

Occupation: Retired

Experience: Vietnam veteran; 12 years' military service; almost 40 years' commercial construction experience. Was project manager on government and city projects. Was a certified Department of Transportation supervisor.


Personal: Spouse, Kathleen Moneypenny; two children and five grandchildren; Okaloosa County area coordinator, Hunters Safety, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; volunteer Hunters Safety instructor, FWC; State Range safety officer; National Archery in the Schools instructor; life member, NRA; Fort Walton Beach Coin Club; and involved with ANA and Porsche Club of America

Occupation: Retired

Experience: A "highly organized, take-charge professional. Superb trouble shooter and problem solver, with 26 years of diverse military service and seven years (Department of Defense) contractor.

"Proven expertise in all levels of project management and fiscal responsibilities."


Personal: "Me and my family moved to Laurel Hill in 1975; my late husband, Harvel Smith, owned and operated a business here and all four of our children graduated from Laurel Hill High School." Attends South Ebenezer Church; retired from Okaloosa County Health Department as senior records clerk in 2001; currently serves as AARP Tax Preparation Services volunteer.

Experience: Board member, Northwest Florida League of Cities; vice president, Okaloosa League of Cities; and 15 years of bookkeeping/accounting. Former Laurel Hill council chairman and mayor. Certified in First Amendment Foundation education on government covering Sunshine Laws, Ethics, and good-government.


Personal: Married to Robin Tickle; two daughters and a son, and two stepdaughters and three granddaughters.

Occupation: "I have worked in various positions in the transportation industry for 29 years."


Occupation: Retiree and Laurel Hill City Councilwoman

Experience: "After a term in office, I have a proven record of honesty and helping people out."


The North Okaloosa Republican Club's non-partisan Laurel Hill City Council candidates forum is 6 p.m. March 2 at the Laurel Hill First Baptist Church fellowship hall, 3972 Second Ave.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: MEET THE CANDIDATES: You asked, Laurel Hill's council candidates answered