Laurel Hill City Council deadlocks on new member — again

Neither former mayor and councilwoman Joan Smith nor former councilwoman Willie Mae Toles were selected to fill a vacant Laurel Hill City Council seat when the four-member council deadlocked on both applicants at Thursday evening's meeting.

LAUREL HILL — It was a case of déjà vu all over again when the City Council deadlocked on selection of a new councilwoman to fill the seat vacated by Johnny James.

Former councilwomen Joan Smith and Willie Mae Toles both submitted applications for the vacant spot, having lost the March election to current Council Members Debra Adams and Scott Moneypenny.

Smith was also a previous Laurel Hill mayor.

Adams moved to appoint Toles to fill the vacancy, with Councilman Daniel Lane joining her in favor of the motion. Moneypenny and Council Chairman Larry Hendren voted nay.

Moneypenny then nominated Smith, with Hendren also voting for his motion and Adams and Lane opposed.

With the council deadlocked, both motions failed, leaving the seat vacant.

The city council spent more than a year deadlocked over filling a vacant seat in 2014 and the early part of this year until voters put Adams and Moneypenny in office.

However, James' eligibility was called into question when it was determined he lived outside the city limits and he was forced to step down, once again leaving an open seat on the body.

Hendren said the council will take up the issue again at next month's meeting.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at, follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill City Council deadlocks on new member — again