Baker rodeo donates $1K toward breast cancer education, research (VIDEO)

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer’s Donna Fought, holding check, and Kyla Pugh, right front, accept a $1,000 donation from Baker Pro Rodeo organizers Mark Stalnaker, Ernie Brewbaker, Edith Elder, Russell Moorman, Joe Fisher, Bill Graham, President Mark Todd and Jim Silcox.

BAKER — The battle against breast cancer has received a boost from Baker Pro Rodeo sponsors.

For the second year, the rodeo presented a $1,000 check to the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of the Emerald Coast. Proceeds came from an April 11 Breast Cancer Awareness Night during the rodeo at the Baker Arena.

“In the rodeo world, it’s a big event to have Saturday nights as pink night for breast cancer awareness,” Baker Area Recreation Association President Mark Todd said. “We joined the movement last year and we want to keep it a tradition from now out.”

ACS will use the money for research and education to help save women's lives, breast cancer survivor Donna Fought, of Making Strides, said. “Getting the word out assures women get their mammograms,” she said.

“Even if you encourage just one woman to have an annual mammogram, you’ve saved a life. The American Cancer Society saved my life. I was one of those women who didn’t do what she was supposed to do.”

Rodeo organizers presented the check on Monday by a truck with a pink AAA Waste trash bin as a backdrop. Company owner Russell Moorman, one of the organizers, said AAA places the pink container at various community events, particularly cancer research fundraisers.

“It gets a lot of attention,” Moorman said. “People like to sign it.”

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Baker rodeo donates $1K toward breast cancer education, research (VIDEO)