5 locals among Northwest Florida State College's Fire Academy graduates

Northwest Florida State College's Firefighting Basic graduates are pictured. Bottom row, from left: Nathan Pfrimmer, Jared Nystrom, Makenzie Kennedy, Jourdan Perrin and Corie Nidy. Middle row: James Smith, Brentley Kilpatrick, Jacob Horvath and Nick Lopez. Top row: Daniel White, John Elkins, Nick Segner, Tyler Kline, Jason Rocco, Johnathon Demmon, Taylor Stine and Scott Kaskie.

NICEVILLE — North Okaloosa residents are among Northwest Florida State College students who successfully completed the college's vocational certificate program for Firefighting Basic.

Fire Academy graduates include:

•Crestview: Brentley Kilpatrick, Tyler Kline, Nathan Pfrimmer, Taylor Stine

•Holt: Nicholas Lopez

Stine received the Academic Achievement Award for the highest class GPA.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 5 locals among Northwest Florida State College's Fire Academy graduates