Crestview H.E.R.O.E.S. plant Memorial Day poppy field, bring back Special Olympics medals

Crestview HEROES members worked for several weeks reconstructing and making poppy flowers for a Memorial Day display in front of American Legion Hall Post 75 at 898 James Lee Blvd E. Pictured at the display are, from left, Marcia Larkins, Corey Tobin, Gover Adkins, Devin Kersey, Renee Bingham, Kimberly Karpuk, Andrew Ausdenmoore, James Walton, Kathy Ellis, Beverley Daniel, Jerry Bolton, Bobby Richard, Sonya McArthur, Kathy Wise, John Lawrence and Kent Robinson.

CRESTVIEW — The HEROES group of Crestview has been hard at work this summer.

Members of Helping Everyone Respectfully Overcome Everyday Situations, led by CEO Kathy Ellis, have done everything from stuffing envelopes for businesses to making and planting about 4,600 poppies for the Flanders Field Memorial Day effort at American Legion Hall Post 75 in Crestview.

In addition, members recently competed in the Special Olympics, bringing home several medals.

"They enjoy being useful, and they are so proud of (their accomplishments)," Ellis said.

And they are looking for more opportunities to help the community.

"Does your organization need help with a project? Let our busy hands help you out," Ellis said.

Contact Ellis, 689-1448 or, for more information.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview H.E.R.O.E.S. plant Memorial Day poppy field, bring back Special Olympics medals