Baker School Santa letters, Laura Tipton's class

The Crestview News Bulletin is publishing Santa letters written by North Okaloosa second-graders through Christmas. 

Dear Santa,

I tried to be good this year. Can I pleas have black ops 4 and black ops cold war and wifi? Braxton

Enjoy these letters from North Okaloosa second-graders.

Dear Santa,

I want a Nintendo Switch, Playstation 5, Macbook Pro, Canon camera, Xbox 1, Green Screen, The Grinch (2000) Blu-ray, The Grinch (2018) DVD, Apple Watch, 85 inch Samsung TV, LEGO Incredibles Game for Nntendo Switch, Jonas Brothers Poster, Trump 2020 Flag, Diary of A Wimpy Kid Book, Minecraft for Xbox 1, Live Stream setup for Youtube and Facebook. Hope you and Mrs. Clause have a holly jolly Christmas! Love, Parker

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? How is Buddy our Elf that comes to our house? I have been verey bad. But I am fixing it. How was your Thanks giving? What did you eat? I am going to leave milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer like last year. I need to ask you a question. How do you get inside with no chimney? I whant a Nintendo swich. Love, Maddie

Dear Santa,

I hope your reindeer are doin good. I thace I have bin a good boy this year. I what a new bike for Christmas. I also what Fortnite. From, Jase C.

Dear Santa,

I bin good this year. Sumtimes I and my sistr fight each other. Me and my mom will make you cookies. I will triy to make good cookies. I want for Christmas is a dron. From, Reese

Dear Santa,

How is little Mike? I want to talk to him in person but for a reason. We cant talk to each other. Well the reindeer might get carrots. Merry Christmas little Mike. Give little Mike a gift please for working hard and being good please. Jayce H.

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a good Christmas. 1. Legos 2. Kion (toy lion from Lion Guard) 3. Bestie (toy hippo from Lion Guard) 4. Ono (toy bird from Lion Guard) 5. Bunga (toy Honey badger from Lion Guard) 6. 2 Catboys 7. 2 Gekos 8. 2 Owletts 9. Pokmon Set 10. watar bottle 11. $100 12. Nintindo Swich 13. crayons 14. Avatar Toys 15. The Last air Bender Toys 16. Stocking full of candy 17. coloring sheets. Raylan

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Can I have among us plushy and 13,500 v buks and a bb gun and a game called Mario Ed and a fortnite toy? That will be it. I hope your reindeer have a Merry Christmas. Love, Levi

Dear Santa,

I really hope you are doing good and Mrs. Claus. I really want a girl elf, and a 101 dalmation puppy girl pretty please and I want 990000000 robux and I want to be a cyan fairy in real life, and for Rori’s comillein to come back alive. River B.

Dear Santa,

I wish you have a good merry Christmas Santa Claus. I wish your reindeer are ok. I wish Mrs. Claus is safe. Hunter

Dear Santa,

I wat a alf on a shalf for chismas sippy. I love chismas presits. Baylee

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I have bin very bad and good. I am eight years old. Can I get a new dress? I will leave out milk and cookies. I now you  love love love love love love every one in the world so do I. Oh and I want you to get me a coler kit and do you no what ballerina have a tutu. Well I whant a tutu for Christmas. You are the best. Stephanie

Dear Santa,

I wish you will have a Merry Christmas. I what Pockmon. And I wish you had a good Thanksgiving. How do you get to evreyones house in one nite. I just wonder do you fly? Can I get a Nintendo switch? I what a babby to have a woch. And I what my daddy to get a big forlwhr. And I what a forlwir to a little. And a laptop and a small dout bike. Love, Kensleigh

Dear Santa,

I wunt a infinity gontlit. I wunt to take the infinity stons out of it. Thar so cool. I wunt one. I thank it wud be fun to play with. Iv oluas wunted one. Love, Brandon

Dear Santa,

I do not think that iv been good but if I was good the only two presents I want to help my Nana and lps\littlest pet shop pls and that is all. By the way how is the reindeer? What is your favrite cookie? Is your real name Cris? How old r u? Merry Christmas From, River S.

Dear Santa,

How are you? I hope you are ok because I hope you can give presents and I hope you get are yummy cookies and milk and I would like a hatcha baby and can I have more Kids Bop music please and pregnet Barbie and a real Bunny and a real phone. Love, Rori

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? I will make sure we leave cookies. And maybe a ginger bread chiken coop! I really want a beach themed room. Also a small computer but I want to set it up. I hope you had a good thanksgiving! I’m so happy Jingle came on my b-day but he needs to work on his Y’s. He writes them like this __! Love, Savanna

Dear Santa,

Are you having a good day. Ill leave out milk and cookies and carrots and now for presins. I want 999 v bucks and I want a i-phone 12 Prow and a PS5 and 100 dollers and supper Mario odosey and loowigi  hutide monchin. Christian

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Baker School Santa letters, Laura Tipton's class