Lean about all things Florida in these books


Discover and learn about our awesome, weird, beautiful state that is Florida with these fascinating titles available at your library.

"Weird Florida: Your Travel Guide to Florida’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets," by Charlie Carlson — Florida is not just Disney, Miami, and oranges. Check out this fun, trivia-filled book to learn more.

"Barrier Islands of the Florida Gulf Coast Peninsula," by Dr. Richard A. Davis Jr.  — This richly illustrated book, featuring hundreds of illustrations and color photographs, covers the 30 barrier islands along the 200-mile Gulf Coast of the Florida peninsula.

"The Florida Night Sky," by Elinor de Wire — Whether your aim is a casual appreciation of the heavens or a serious study of astronomy, this book will get you started on a rewarding journey of cosmic discovery, beginning with how the known universe is organized and where Florida fits into the picture.

Every place on earth has its own singular view of the stars, and Florida is no different. There’s an enviable openness to the Florida landscape and flat horizon, allowing for a broader view of the sky in all directions.

The warm, snowless winter nights, with their long periods of darkness, are ideal for stargazing, and Florida's position near the tropics offers a view of the four stars in the Southern Cross in the spring and early summer.

The two coasts offer stunning views of the sun rising and setting in the water — watch for the Green Flash as the sun finally drops into the ocean on the Gulf Coast.

An ideal starting point for those who want to learn about the Florida night sky and enjoy its treasures, this book also serves as a helpful reference for serious amateur astronomers. Step outside, look up, and get acquainted with the Florida night. The rewards will surprise and delight you.

Marie Heath is the Crestview Public Library's director.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Lean about all things Florida in these books