Rep. Williamson announces February deadlines for pages and messengers

PACE — Rep. Jayer Williamson (District 3) recently announced deadlines for two civics programs for K-12 students living within House District 3.

The Florida House of Representatives Page & Messenger Program for the 2021 legislative session priority deadline for consideration is 2 p.m. Feb. 11, and Williamson's local “Why I Love Northwest Florida” art competition deadline is 5 p.m. Feb. 24.

With a focus on civics in education, Williamson supports the state-run Page & Messenger Program for students in the sixth through 12th grades that provide the opportunity to experience the legislative process first-hand.

As a result of modifications to the program due to COVID-19, each state Representative may select only one student to sponsor this year — either one page (in the sixth through eighth grade) or one messenger (in the ninth through 12th grade). 

Students interested in the programs must submit the official application, in addition to Williamson’s specific district requirements, which include a 250-word (or less) essay. 

While students who live in and/or go to school within House District 3 are given priority residency in the district, it is not required.

Participants/families must cover travel, lodging, meals and other travel costs at their own expense. However, the student sponsored by Williamson is eligible to receive up to $500 of reimbursed travel expenses from the Santa Rosa County School District if they are enrolled within the county school district.

Restrictions and requirements to receive the stipend are facilitated directly through the Santa Rosa County School District’s Social Studies Coordinator, Clark Youngblood. For questions specific to the travel funding, please contact Youngblood at or 850-400-3218.

To nurture an interest in civics through creative expression among elementary students, Williamson established the “Why I Love Northwest Florida” art competition. In its third year, the program allows students in kindergarten through the fifth grade to submit drawings and paintings depicting their favorite attribute of Northwest Florida.

Entries into the competition must be submitted by students residing or attending school within House District 3 and entered in the appropriate category: Primary (kindergarten through second grade) and Intermediate (third through fifth grade).

Students may submit only one entry, and it must be no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches, and no smaller than 8 inches by 10 inches. An official competition entry form must accompany the artwork.

Forms and other items

Art entries:

Page and Messenger requirements:

Page and Messenger application and details:

For additional information, contact District Aide Sabrina McLaughlin at or visit the office’s official Facebook page (/RepJayerWilliamson).

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Rep. Williamson announces February deadlines for pages and messengers