Freshmen prepare for high school

CRESTVIEW — Entering into high school can be a whirlwind, so Crestview High School uses Bulldog Camp to make the process easier for incoming freshmen.

The annual camp is led by the school’s leadership students to help get freshmen acclimated to the new experience.

The camp is an optional three-day event that allows students to learn things such as the school’s dress code, the rules of the school and take a tour of the school’s campus to learn where different rooms are.

“It alleviates some of the anxiety they have about entering high school,” said Staci Robinson, a teacher at the school who organized the event. “They were the top of the chain as eighth graders and now they’re at the bottom of the totem pole, so that can be intimidating.”

Students attending the camp are split into groups. This year, the group themes were based off of the popular Netflix show “Stranger Things.” Group names included Hawkins Boys, (named after the show’s fictional city) and Starcourt Mall, a new location in Hawkins that played a big part in the show's recent third season.

Splitting into groups allows the students to move from one spot to another with more ease.

Throughout the course of camp, students meet with school Principal Dexter Day, Assistant Principal Ella Shaw, Athletic Director Tim Hatten and other faculty. They also attend different breakout sessions where they are able to learn more about each other.

“This is a great icebreaker to get them prepared and get some of the first day jitters out,” Robinson said. “They get to make connections so when they get here on the first day, they already have some friends.”

Some of their new friends include juniors and seniors who help lead each group during the day. The seniors hold a question and answer session to help answer the important questions such as “What happens if I get lost?” or “Is it worth going to homecoming?”

Robinson said that helping freshmen understand their role in the school is a very important task.

“Come in and be yourself,” Robinson advised the students. “Don’t try to fit in with a certain group. You’ll find the people you’re supposed to be with. Participate in the social events, but above all keep academics as your first priority.”

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Freshmen prepare for high school