Chorus organizational meeting hits a high note

Crestview Mayor JB Whitten listens as Community Chorus organizer Cecile Lindegren addresses the nearly 30 residents who turned out for the July 2 organizational meeting in Crestview. [CONTRIBUTED PHOTO]

CRESTVIEW — More than 25 area residents turned out July 2 for the Crestview Community Chorus’ planning meeting. Mayor JB Whitten welcomed the group and promised the new organization would have his full support.

"When I took office, one of my goals was to enhance the city’s cultural life," he said.

Former music teacher Cecile Lindegren, who is helping organize the group, passed out information sheets to learn about the attendees' areas of interest.

She and the mayor led a discussion that touched on subjects including potential membership dues — none at this time, Mayor Whitten assured the group — the chorus’s composition, potential repertoire, rehearsal and performance spaces, and suggestions for performances.

While the community chorus is envisioned as an adult group, middle, high school and college vocalists are invited to audition for a spot on the risers. Middle and high school choral students will need written permission from their school chorus director to join the community group, Lindegren said.

"They will need to acknowledge, as the adult members do, that it is a commitment to perform with a chorus," she said.

The next step is to begin rehearsals over the summer. Working with Parks and Recreation Programs Manager Alisa Burleson, Warriors Hall was booked for 6:30-8 p.m. every Monday throughout August and September to rehearse a fall or winter concert.

"Interested singers can complete forms at the August and September rehearsals," Lindegren said. "Anyone coming in after the last Monday in September will need to audition."

Membership in the the chorus is open to any vocalist who enjoys ensemble singing.


Rehearsals begin 6:30-8 p.m. Aug. 5 at Warriors Hall, Whitehurst Municipal Building, 201 Stillwell Blvd., Crestview. They'll continue each Monday in August and September.

No audition is necessary for adult members. Vocalists who haven’t completed the interest form distributed at the July 2 meeting may fill one out at the rehearsals.

To minimize distractions during rehearsals, it is requested that members who are parents make babysitting arrangements. Call Crestview Parks and Recreation, 850-682-0789, for information about the chorus.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Chorus organizational meeting hits a high note