High School Sports Review: Crestview Girls Weightlifting

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview girls weightlifting team had great competition this year, beginning at districts.

Abigail Woullard finished second in the 101-pound class with a 105-pound bench press and a 110-pound clean and jerk for a total of 215 pounds.

Mya Thomas and Kaylee Sheppard both competed in the 110-pound class. Thomas finished fifth with a 95-pound bench press and a 115-pound clean and jerk for a total of 210 pounds, while Sheppard finished sixth with a 205-pound total thanks to a 105-pound bench press and a 100-pound clean and jerk.

Alicia Yelder and Kalina Baggish competed in the 129-pound class. Yelder finished fourth with a 115-pound bench press and a 125-pound clean and jerk for a total of 240 pounds. Baggish finished sixth with a 75-pound bench press and an 80-pound clean and jerk for a total of 155 pounds.

Jasmine Johnson finished fifth in the 139-pound class with a 100-pound bench press and a 115-pound clean and jerk for a total of 215 pounds.

Yazmeen Deehr finished fifth in the 183-pound class with a 125-pound bench press and a 130-pound clean and jerk for a total of 255 pounds.

Yaden Deehr competed in the 199-pound class, where she finished fifth with a 100-pound bench press and a 100-pound clean and jerk for a total of 200 pounds.

Mary Wyrosdick finished fourth in the unlimited class with a 140-pound bench press and a 155-pound clean and jerk for a total of 295 pounds.

All nine girls were eligible to compete at the regional competition.

Woullard had a 105-pound bench press, but no scoring for the clean and jerk.

In the 110-pound class, Thomas placed fourth with a 90-pound bench press and a 125-pound clean and jerk for a total of 215 pounds. Sheppard finished with a 100-pound bench press and a 100-pound clean and jerk for a 200-pound total.

In the 129-pound class, Yelder had a 110-pound bench press and 130-pound clean and jerk for a total of 240 pounds. Baggish had a 95-pound bench press and a 85-pound clean and jerk for 180-pound total.

Johnson had a bench press of 95 pounds and a clean and jerk of 115 pounds for a 210-pound total.

Yazmeen Deehr placed sixth in the 183-pound class with a 125-pound bench press and a 130-pound clean and jerk for a 255-pound total.

Yaden Deehr had a 105-pound bench press and a 110-pound clean and jerk for a 215-pound total.

Wyrosdick placed fourth in the unlimited class with a 150-pound bench press and a 165-clean and jerk for a total of 315 pounds.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: High School Sports Review: Crestview Girls Weightlifting