VBS sessions to start soon

Here is a list of Vacation Bible School offerings from local churches. Submit VBS information to faith@nwfdailynews.com to have it added to the list. 


First Presbyterian Church of Crestview VBS is 6-8 p.m. June 10-14 in the church's education building at the corner of Beech Ave. W. (off South Ferdon Blvd.), Crestview. The theme is "Roar! Life is Wild, God is Good." Call 850-682-2835 or email churchoffice@fpc-crestview.org for information. Preregister by June 1 at vbspro.events/p/roarfpc.

Crestview First United Methodist Church will host Roar VBS for children age 4 through rising fifth-graders. Hours are 9 a.m. to noon June 24-27 at 599 8th Ave., Crestview. Drop off time is 8:45 a.m. Register at http://fumcrestview.com/vbs-2019.


Woodbine Church will feature VBS with the theme "Power Up, Raise Your Game" 5:30-8 p.m. June 10-14 at 5200 Woodbine Road, Pace. It is free and open to community children ages 4 through fifth grade. There will be nightly fun themes, from Crazy Socks to Wild Hair, concluding with a Mario Party Night.  Each year a mission fundraiser project is selected. This year, “Mobility Worldwide” will benefit those in greatest need with the least resources in poor or underdeveloped counties. For more information visit mywoodbinechurch.org or call 850-995-0007.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: VBS sessions to start soon