Be careful when driving, especially during spring break

Janice Lynn Crose

Spring break in areas like ours lasts for several weeks with all of our tourists and visitors. We have gone to Destin three times within the last month for a variety of reasons and the driving and traffic have been horrendous each time.

The worst trip was this week. Since we live in Crestview, we take the Spence toll way bypass to the Mid-Bay Bridge. We drove State Road 85 from Crestview to the bypass.

As we drove under the overpass at State Road 123, we saw an out-of-state vehicle just stop in the left hand lane of SR 85, as apparently they had missed their turn off. In what state is one allowed to just stop in the middle of the road on a highway with a speed limit of 65 mph? Fortunately for that vehicle, the other drivers on the road changed lanes and missed hitting them.

The bypass has a 55 mph speed limit which few seem to want to drive. My husband, Jim, sets the speed control at 55. Although this road has a double yellow line almost the entire way, vehicles passed us five times. Most had out-of-state license plates, but at least one was an impatient Floridian.

The Official Florida Driver License Handbook ( states: "Double solid yellow lines. Vehicles moving in either direction must not pass/cross these lines (unless turning left when it is safe to do so)." The accidents we have observed n the Mid-Bay Bridge are scary and caused by tail-gating and illegal passing on the bridge.

Jim, who travels extensively, is not as surprised by this type of reckless driving as I am. It absolutely boggles my mind that others are so careless with their lives and the lives of others.

When we got off the bridge, another out-of-state vehicle was backing out of the Publix parking lot and blocking three lanes of heavy traffic, then proceeding to back up again and again until they were in the left turn lane for Destin Commons.

Has common sense left our visitors? Just because one is on vacation, the fundamental laws of physics have not been suspended. People can still be hurt very badly in a car accident, or destroy their vehicles, whether or not they are on vacation.

I checked with the Florida Highway Patrol. Passing in a no passing zone is a moving violation with a fine of approximately $166.

Is it worth getting a citation while on vacation? We locals need to pay close attention to our driving and others on the road during tourist season to keep everyone safe.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Be careful when driving, especially during spring break