Democrat Governor of Virginia Moonwalks Away from Controversy

"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty." 

Josef Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister 

The Democrat Governor of Virginia, who is a pediatric neurologist, said on a radio show that, essentially, once a baby is born the mother should have the right to decide to keep it alive or to kill it. 

But here is the weird thing — That was not what got him in trouble with his Democrat base. They were not cool with that; many liberal elite Democrats think abortion should be legal all the way to when you send your kid to boarding school. What Governor Northam is in trouble for is a picture that surfaced in a 1984 yearbook of him dressed for a costume party in blackface or a KKK outfit. 

Yes, the anti-civil rights Democrat Party of slavery, Jim Crow laws, Democrat KKK Senator and Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, George Wallace, Sen. Robert "KKK" Byrd and Harry Reid, has no tolerance for anyone who might have acted like a knucklehead 30 years ago. 

In fact, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia was a high-ranking officer in both the Democrat Party (Senate Majority Leader) and in the KKK as head of recruiting. He not only had a sheet, he merited a fitted sheet, perhaps 400 thread count. In his defense, Senator Byrd, who used the "N" word in an interview, later admitted he was dyslexic; he was unable to distinguish between joining the KKK, because he thought it was the KKK. 

In the politics of today, a racist can only be an opponent of the Democrats, and one who cannot be accused of sexual "misconduct."  

"Empire" star Jussie Smollett recently claimed that two white guys in MAGA hats attacked him at 2 a.m. in the bar district of Chicago.  He said they broke his rib while hurling racial/homophobic slurs at him, throwing chemicals on him, and putting a noose around his neck — a story that inexplicably touched all the bases of the liberal narrative and yet none of which was caught on the 20 police cameras in the area or seen by a witness. As we learned from the Kavanaugh hearings, if anyone makes a claim of sexual misconduct or racist behavior, we must believe him or her. Because of the current Democrat dogma, if you just question the story you hate women or are a racist yourself. 

To be a Democrat today, you must be a victim, either real or imagined, because Dems need victims to fuel their party. They play the victim card so often it is all 52 cards in their deck. 

The more successful America is, the less Democrats are needed. They let illegal immigrants in so as to convince them they are victims too and to serve as a new source of aggrieved voters. Dems do not want things to get better because they are not needed when things are going well. They root against "Make America Great Again" on that premise. Name a city where Democrats have been in charge for decades and I will show you a crime-ridden, highly taxed, corrupt mess of a city. 

There is one telling thing about the recently elected governor of Virginia. He won a close race against Republican Ed Gillespie, but this yearbook story never came out. The Democrats’ playbook is filled with opposition research like Fusion GPS and Kavanaugh/Clarence Thomas-like dirty tricks. Why didn’t the GOP find out about this racist picture before the election? And why did Democrats, wanting their African-American Virginia Lt. Governor to replace this current Democrat governor, just happen to find it now? Because winning in politics is everything to Democrats. They will stoop as low as it takes to win. Compared to entrenched Democrat operatives, Republicans remain naïve about dirty tricks. 

If you are a Democrat espousing the party’s media-driven narrative, you follow the rainbow colors and cannot be a racist. In a colorful display of race hypocrisy, Senator Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren is a hero to the left.  She pretended to be red to get a job at a Brown University rival which discriminated against yellow applicants and is now called "Pocahontas" by our President, who is orange. 

Leftists in Hollywood think their only KKK is Khloe, Kim and Kourtney. The KKK membership drive these sisters undertake in LA could not be more different from the one the KKK did in Mississippi. 

Ron Hart is a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author. Contact him at or @RonaldHart on Twitter.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Democrat Governor of Virginia Moonwalks Away from Controversy