HAPPENINGS: Kindness and compassion are always in fashion

CRESTVIEW — Kindness and compassion never go out of style.

No matter what the latest fashion might be, being thoughtful, polite and compassionate is always the latest "fashion." Since no one knows what tomorrow holds, always be nice to others.

We can't predict the future, so we need to use our time wisely, helping others and sharing our talents. Instead of complaining about each other, let's encourage one another and be thankful for the time we get to spend with them.

One thing that the lockdowns have taught us all is that we may not get to see someone again for a long time and should the Lord call them home, we may not see them again this side of heaven. I have lost many family members and close friends over the past few years and sometimes it is difficult to realize that I will never see nor speak to them again while on this earth.

This got me thinking that while we can, we need to use our time wisely and help others. Here are some constructive ways to help that we can share with others.

  • Donate to your church's benevolence fund, so those in need have food and their essential utility bills can be paid.
  • Be a supporter of Crestview's homeless shelter. For information call 850-398-5670. They can always use food, clothing, cleaning supplies and other items. Winter is coming, jackets and warm clothing will be needed.
  • Foster homeless dogs or cats. Our shelters are full and there are still pets that need food, medical care and a safe place to live until they find a lasting home.
  • SOCKS (Save Our Cats and Kittens) and PAWS (Panhandle Animal Welfare Society) always need volunteers, pet food, cleaning supplies, and money is always needed for medical care for these sweet pets. Call SOCKS, 850-863-5756; or PAWS, 850-243-1525.

You may also wish to:

  • Make and send cards to elderly and home-bound friends, relatives, and church members. A card will cheer up their day and let them know they are remembered and loved.
  • Have your children make thank you cards for our firefighters, police officers and sheriff's deputies.
  • Make cards with your children to send to a local nursing home or rehab center. There are several here in Crestview.
  • Pay a bill for someone you know is struggling financially.
  • Make or buy dinner for a single parent who could use a night off from cooking. It doesn't have to be fancy, just plenty of nutritious food for the family. Our local grocery stores have wonderful foods on their deli counters.

These are just some of the ways that we, as residents of Crestview, can reach out and help others in our community and churches.

I have said before that a smile goes a long way when one meets a stranger in a store or other place of business. Say hello and wish them a good day. Many people need a positive word and smile.

Have a great week, and be friendly and gracious.

Janice Lynn Crose

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Kindness and compassion are always in fashion