Okaloosa sheriff's office names School Resource Officer of the Year

Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office Deputy Cullen Coraine swears in Jr. Deputies in March 2018 at Liza Jackson Preperatory School. [MICHELE NICHOLSON | SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

SHALIMAR — The Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office has selected its School Resource Officer of the Year for 2018.

"Deputy Cullen Coraine came to our agency in 2013 and quickly became a part of the Special Response Team, becoming an instructor in Shoot House Techniques, completing the Basic SWAT course along with Hostage Rescue and SWAT Shield Training," an OCSO media release stated.

Coraine became a School Resource Officers in 2015, and quickly became the SRO unit's training instructor.

Here are more accolades that led to his selection as SRO of the Year:

  • Deputy Cullen, as he is known at his school, has become a valued member of the Liza Jackson Preparatory staff, as well as the community. According to the school's principal, Kaye McKinley, staff, students and parents, the officer has developed many programs that promote good character, community involvement, responsibility and citizenship.
  • Coraine has implemented new security protocols for his school which include single entry points, better locks on fences, peep-hole implementation in doors, bus driver safety and reactive measures.
  • He also worked diligently with the principal and Parent Teacher Organization to be the first school in the county to have bullet proof doors installed at the single point school entry area, additional security measures are forth coming. These critical safety measures are utilizing PTO funds from his leadership.
  • Before Coraine arrived, there was a one-page evacuation plan. It is now a detailed 27-page crisis plan detailing everything from weather issues to evacuation plans and active shooter situations.

He also implemented:

  • the Junior Deputy Program, which teaches and encourages positive character traits and integrity.
  • Character Coins, awarded any student who displays effort, integrity, cooperation and caring.
  • Deputy Cullen’s K-9s, also known as “the dog pound,” where students or families donate blankets, food and toys to a local shelter. They also donate their time to walking and bathing dogs at the Panhandle Animal Welfare Society.
  • proper social media time for fourth-graders and up. Students are taught proper use and influence and also how it can be used to raise money, find forums for hobbies, etc.
  • Out-run Deputy Cullen – Any student who has perfect behavior during PE for a month can foot race Deputy Cullen during their physical education class for a chance to win candy or a Chick-Fil–A sandwich.

The release stated, "Coraine exemplifies the epitome of what a SRO should be – Law Enforcement Officer, Mentor, Teacher and Counselor. He lives and breathes dedication and exemplary service to his school and community and we are proud to present him as the School Resource Officer of the Year."

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Okaloosa sheriff's office names School Resource Officer of the Year