The Crestview News Bulletin is publishing Santa letters written by North Okaloosa second-graders through Christmas.
Dear Santa,
How are you? Santa I have been a cinda good boy because I have not goot my grads up what I want for Chrisins I want a toy a realy big toy that macks nous and a cool Hotweal and a monster cheruk and a rodot. from Awesome
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you? I hope you have had a good year I have been good this year. I would like to have snow. Cersei
Dear Santa,
Hi, hoy are you? I hope you have had a good time this year. also I have been good this year. And I would be thankful if you gave me these cryistols, books abut old coin, histore books. Merry Christmas, from Roman
Dear Santa,
Hi, santa, how are you? I have bin a little good this year. But I’l try to breeg up my grades. And I’l try to be a lot nicer. And this is what I want for Christmas. A hot wheels monster truck with a wronote cotrol And a huverbord robot. from, Anthony
Dear Santa,
are you gret this year Santa I hope that I can see you ronough here you santa. can I ples have a Drtbick and a gese huwe for Crismis plese. your friend, Sebastian
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you? I hope you have had a good year. I want Cosmus. and cupcake. and I would like pet Groomer. Day at the vet set. this is Breyer toys. Bath time fun. tug horse trailer. EZ to Spot pony jumper. and Dually truck. Thank you, Danielle
Dear Santa,
Thank you for making toys to all of the kids on the planit. Merry Christmas, Gabriel
Dear Santa,
Hi how are you? I hope that you have a grat day today I wold like to have a bose. Merry Christma, Mia
Dear Santul
hi how are you? I hop you had I ben good all y yoer like to have. Konner
Dear Santa
iH, how are you? I hope you have had a good year. I would liket to have A puppy retifpetyoneon. Merry Christmas Santa, Skylar
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you? I hope I been good thes year. Can i have a can i get Some pess. I have tesless thas toys big eye and ristam. Merry Christmas, Sariah
Dear Santa
Hi how are you? I hope you have had a good year. I wuld like the game foll ot, and the game raket Lee. Merry Christmas, Caleb
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you?I hope you had a good year. I would like to have a LOL doll, a BookBag for Mom, toro the dino kind, and for my family A family picture, that’s all thank’s have a good year, love Harlyn
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you? I think I had Been a little bit good this year. I would like to have a pet horse. Merry ChristMas Love Nina
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you? I been good this year I want a hotbook with a horse on it and with a lock on it so no one can look at it some lols, some horse books horse toys please and thank you. love Izzy
Dear Santa,
I hope you, Mis Santa and the elf’s are dooging good. Are you read for Christmas? I am so Instead for Christmas! I think I have been good. I would like to a peanoe, lechrik gtare, and same barbie Doll’s. Merry Christmas Emelia
Dear Santa,
How are you this year Santa? How is mrs. claus? This year I’m going to be really good. May I please have a baby alive, skech book, snuggle toy, ty’s, pink teddy bear, hatchamols, and a petooties pets please. Love Samantha
Dear Santa,
how are you? I Will love you Santa, been graet this day i will be nice i sut two legos, sets. Merry Christmas, Nathan
Dear Santa,
Hi how are you? my whish is to have skate bord, a pet tiger, lego car kit, a pooll, rumote control car and a dimen kit. Love, Levi
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Antioch Santa letters, Susanne Eliason’s class