3 tips for making changes in your life

Mark Broadhead

In just a few days we will usher in a new year. New Year’s Eve often is rife with parties and celebrations. Some people have wild parties, others will watch the “ball drop” on television. Still others will go to bed at an early hour.

For some, Jan. 1 is simply another day. For others it signifies a time to begin a new chapter in life.

Early in our marriage, my wife and I had gone through a particularly difficult year, dealing with one family tragedy after another. It was draining.

On New Year’s Eve, we gathered with friends to enjoy some downtime after a particularly hectic Advent and Christmas season. As we all watched the ball drop on television, we joined in the countdown. At the moment the new year began, we each kissed our spouses and wished one another a happy new year.

The next day I told my wife about an internal shift that took place within me at the stroke of midnight. I felt as if a burden had been lifted, that the difficulties and challenges of the previous year had been relegated to the pages of the past, and a new vista was opening before us. To my surprise she told me the same thing happened within her.

A new beginning. Lessons learned from the past. Greater strength for the future. All of this was based on the foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ. He had seen us through the difficulties and strengthened us for whatever the new year would hold.

The beginning of a new year can be a starting point for changes to be made. It can be the beginning of a new chapter for changes you feel you need or want to make.

If you do “resolve” to make changes, let me offer a few suggestions.

1. Make your changes small. And should you slip with these small changes, do not beat up yourself. Making changes is difficult. Old habits are hard to break. Simply tell yourself that you made a slip and its time to get back on track.

2. Pray about it. Our Lord is the Lord of second, third, fourth, … chances. He will help you move forward.

3. Come to know you are God’s beloved child and you are loved beyond anything you could ever imagine. Allow this to be the foundation for this new chapter in your life. You will then have a Happy New Year!

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 3 tips for making changes in your life