LETTERS TO SANTA: Bob Sikes Elementary — Renee Cotten's class


Bob Sikes Elementary

Renee Cotten's class

Dear Santa,

Christmas is fun because you give us presents and your reindeer are so cute. Mrs. Claus is too.

I want a Twisty Pet, Pink Slime, and Rainbow Slime. A mermaid tail would be nice. Have a good day and I love you!

Love, Rylee

Dear Santa,

How have you been? How are you and Mrs. Claus? I miss the elves Santa. For Christmas I hope I get a good present. Santa, Christmas is not just about presents, it’s about Baby Jesus birthday. For Christmas I want a slime kit, and a puppy. Everybody have fun!

Love, ZaKeria

Dear Santa,

I love the elfs toys they make. How do they do it? I want you to teach me to make toys too, please. So, how are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer doing? I want Pokemon cards and The Descendents2 movie and a Big Hatchamal.

Love, Layla

Dear Santa,

How have you and Mrs. Claus been? How are the reindeer? How does Rudolph have a bright red nose? Thank you for our elf Lilly. What type of cookies do you like? I’d like Little Critters and Pokemon, Nerf guns and a new elf, please.

Love, Alli

Dear Santa,

Hi it’s me, Hannah. How’s it going at the North Pole? Have you lit your tree yet? I did. I’m counting the days til you come. It’s fun down here in Florida. Wait! Will you bring Rudolph? Fwew! Hope you say yes.

Love, Hannah

Dear Santa,

How have you been? How are your elfs? I hope your elfs are good. What do your reindeer eat? Do they eat carrots? I want a Rubix Cube and a charter bus, and a pie smashed in your face (toy). Have a good night.

Love, Ethan

Dear Santa,

How is the North Pole going? Christmas is 100% my favorite time of the year!

Love, Blake

Dear Santa,

How are you? I love my elf so I play with her. I want a Poopsie Slime, Surprise, and LPS set. The Big LOL Surprise.

Love, Ava

Dear Santa,

Christmas is my best holiday. How are you doing? Have a nice Christmas. Please give me a picture of Rudolph. Please give my mom some jewelry and I want an iPad that is blue.

Love, Landen

Dear Santa,

How have you been at the North Pole with the reindeer and Mrs. Claus? How fast do the reindeer fly? What do the reindeer eat? I’ve been good at my house and everywhere. I want  for Christmas.

Love, Carson

Dear Santa,

How have been? I have been nice. How is Mrs. Claus and are you going to have a kiss? Is Frosty the Snowman alive? I hope you have a good Christmas. I hope Lucy, Chase, and Harry do too.

Love, Delilah

Dear Santa,

Are you doing good? What kind of cookies do like? Do you like Alabama? I really want an elf for Christmas, and a joy bake, and Pokemon. Merry Christmas. Take some cookies for Mrs. Claus and the elfs.

Love, Raven

Dear Santa,

I love you! You are the best. Can I see Rudolph. I love him too. Santa Claus can I go to the North Pole with you? For Christmas I want a Hot Wheel set.

Love, Cayden

Dear Santa,

How have you and Mrs. Claus been? My family loves you like I do. I wish I could meet you and the reindeer. I want a hover board, a camera, and a pony.

Love, Aiyana

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? Do you like my elf’s name. How is Rudolph doing? What is it like in the North Pole? I would like a Champion and a Slime kit.

Love, Bryce

Dear Santa,

I hope you are doing well. I’ll give you a list of what I want and need. Have I been good? YES! Here’s my list: iPhone 6S, a Roblox, and maybe a dirt bike. I need some new pants, books, and more RAM for my computer. There. Thank you 😀

Love, Logan

Dear Santa,

Have you been good, Santa? Are Chippy, Lola, and the elfs doing good? What do the elfs at the North Pole want ? A smart watch and Nintendo Switch is what I want for Christmas.

Love, Michael

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTERS TO SANTA: Bob Sikes Elementary — Renee Cotten's class