LETTERS TO SANTA: WALKER Elementary — Vicki Eicher's class


Walker Elementary

Vicki Eicher's class

Dear Santa,

For Crismas I want a doll home, dolls, cadle. I watn make up. I watn dirde doll home, I watn Patter, I watn a drsess.


Dear Santa,

Have I been good? Santa, I’ve tried to be good. This is what I want for Christmas . A watch that has games jojo shoes and jojo bows. What else do I want, Skechers memory foam. Twisty pets and Barbie Super Wheels and Chelse tree house, the Barbie house that the couch turns into a bed. the last thing is Shopkins manion whith Shopkin girls.


Dear Santa,

for Christmas I would want a netendo and a Jurassic world Lego set with a Lego Ninjago Spinner toy and I also want 1 more thing and it’s my very own skateboard thank you.


Dear Santa,

I ttried to be good this year, I hope you get me the toys I want for Chrismas, I want a I pad and a big baribe doll and a baby alive and a bike.


Dear Santa,

I was good and I want a tablit with games and youtub. And an XBox iv, and a Xbox is. And lots of Chrismtmas erasers, a skat borad that can tune into enting. And a ball that whin you push it it tunes into a flat ball, a pin that can erase, and a pin that can change colers, and legos, and a modersikol, a lazer gun.


Dear Santa,

I hope I’ve been good please can I have some twisty pets for crismas, I really hope I get good things your really nice to me. Thak you Santa.


Dear Santa,

I tried to be good this year, I hope you get me the toys I want for Chrismas, 1 Baribe


Dear Santa,

I wish I ha a phone and a for Cchrimas I I had a fun and a fau and fsu shades and a tes for Chrimas I wish I had for fsu forolder.

M. J.

Dear Santa,

All I wunt is pelpl to be happy and be good I now u wust good all the yers but netx yers I well be good and I wunt is pess.


Dear Santa,

I wish I had a fsu phone and a jetpack for Chrimas. I wish I had a fsu bider and fsu shoes and a fsu jeses for chrismas. I wish I had a fsu folder.


Dear Santa,

I want a 3DS for Chrismas. Thank you for the presents. i wish i could help you because all the hard work you do like go around the wourld in just one knight. and your elfs wraping presents.

Love Peyton

Dear Santa,

I what a baby bell set and a ponkemen set i have bin good this yery and lost of candy.


Dear santa,

I hop I was good Santa. Can I have a skatebod and a playboe and a book and a toy to and viedo games and a hat.


Dear Santa,

I’ve tride to be good this year and get good grades. I hope you yourself have a merry Christmas. Santa, I think you should get presents this year! Anyway you do bring all the presents to all the good kids. Santa, I’m not going to write everything I want for Christmas because you can go to my house and look at my Christmas list. So, here are some things I want: New pants, a art kit, and a lot of books! Santa thank you for going around every year and giving out presents.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I gant the game Snipperclips and minecraft for Nintendo Switch and a lot of fidget spinners and a cuphead plushy


Dear Santa,

I tried to be good I really tried So if I was good I would want a picach plush toy, nipper, 10 dallor gamestop gift card and a Exorgx pokeymon pach and merry Christmas


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTERS TO SANTA: WALKER Elementary — Vicki Eicher's class