Crestview moves toward Foxwood purchase

Crestview News Bulletin

CRESTVIEW — The city has received a letter of intent to purchase the Foxwood County Club property.
Crestview wants to use the property for multiple recreation programs, including a possible multi-sport complex, a nine-hole golf course and an archery range. The city would also like to partner with some private businesses for things such as a restaurant.
City Manager Tim Bolduc gave an update on the purchase during last Monday’s City Council meeting.
RELATED: What happened to Crestview’s Foxwood Country Club?
“In a best-case scenario, it will be the very end of March or early April before we can close,” Bolduc told the council.
According to Bolduc, the letter of intent for the $1.2 million purchase was received Monday afternoon.
“The letter is the bank accepting our offer with some conditions based on the bank’s merger,” Bolduc said. “Our attorney is working out some of the details with them so we can sign it.”
PHOTOS: Foxwood Country Club closes
According to Bolduc, once the letter is signed for the purchase, the next step will be to have some preliminary testing done, such as soil testing.
“Our goal is to try to budget in for next year’s budget for the design of a master plan for the property,” Bolduc said. “We’re very excited about the potential the purchase represents for our recreation program.”
As part of the purchase, Crestview is looking to annex in the Foxwood Estates neighborhood that surrounds the property.
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According to Bolduc there are 141 properties on the list the city would like to have voluntarily annex into the city. If the property owners do not unanimously agree to the annexation, the city will go for involuntary annexation.
An involuntary annexation would mean sending a ballot to residents for a vote. The annexation would then happen if 51% of the residents approved.
“The partnership between that neighborhood and the city, I believe, is necessary to make the endeavor a success,” Bolduc said. “They need the city to help protect their interests, and we want to have their buy-in to make it work.”
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Bolduc hopes to hold another meeting with Foxwood residents in early March to discuss the annexation further.
As the purchase moves forward, Bolduc hopes the public realizes the project will take some time to complete.
“We know there’s a lot of work ahead of us, but it’s important that the public understand it’s not a project that will happen overnight,” Bolduc said. “It’s a step in the right direction. This is an investment in the long-range future of our recreation programs. We’re doing our best to plan it well and make it as cost neutral as possible.”

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview moves toward Foxwood purchase