Youths to learn ‘basics of entrepreneurship’ at Crestview workshop

CRESTVIEW — For most young workers, their first jobs are often low-paying, entry-level positions in which they answer to more experienced management members. While the work may not be glamorous, it’s a great way to learn work ethics, responsibilities and working in a team.

It also provides some young workers the inspiration for starting a company of their own. For such potential young business owners, the nonprofit, community led Crestview Youth Coalition is offering a free July 26-28 workshop on entrepreneurship.

A three-day workshop for youths interested in learning to start their own businesses is scheduled in Crestview.

“How to Be Your Own Boss!” is a three-afternoon series of classes for youths ages 16 to 21. Each day’s class is from 3-5 p.m. in the board room of the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce at 1447 Commerce Drive.

Educator Patrice Williams-Shuford and CYC facilitator Karen Brown have prepared a curriculum designed specifically for young, enthusiastic potential entrepreneurs.

Each day of the workshop has specific themes:

  • Monday: What is entrepreneurship?
  • Tuesday: Local young entrepreneur guest speakers share their experiences and answer attendees’ questions.
  • Wednesday: Attendees get to pitch their ideas for a business before a panel of local business professionals in a “Junior Shark Tank” setting.

“The workshop is designed to inform the youth about the basics of entrepreneurship,” Brown said.

That includes both the exciting opportunities being one’s own boss affords, plus the challenges and responsibilities of owning and operating a business.

The workshop provides all materials, an afternoon snack, and on the third day, a gift bag for all participants.

For information or to register, contact Brown at or Williams-Shuford at

Registration deadline is July 23.


WHAT: Three-day workshop for young entrepreneurs

WHEN: 3-5 p.m. daily, July 26-28

WHERE: Board Room, Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce, 1447 Commerce Dr., opposite the Community Center

WHO: Presented by the Crestview Youth Coalition

COST: Free

DETAILS: For youth ages 16-21; learn the ins and outs of starting and running your own business from young entrepreneurs and business professionals. Course materials, snacks and a gift bag included. For info or to register, contact Dr. Karen Brown at; or Dr. Patrice Williams-Shuford at


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Youths to learn ‘basics of entrepreneurship’ at Crestview workshop