Rollerworld of Crestview seeks chamber member donations, caterer

CRESTVIEW — Rollerworld of Crestview is hosting a Triple R Ministries roller skating benefit and has requested Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce member gift card donations.

Rollerworld is also seeking people willing to provide catering for the event.

Each quarter, the company provides free admission and skating to over 15 families with approximately 70 foster and adoptive children.

This year, Rollerworld is providing a Christmas party for them and would like to cater food and donate gift cards to the families to help during the holidays.

The event is scheduled from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Dec. 16 at Rollerworld, 383 Coleman St., Crestview.

"Of course, we can do our standard skating rink food for the families, but we were hoping for something a little nicer for them," a Rollerworld of Crestview spokesperson said.

To contribute, contact Jeff Hawks by cell phone at 520-401-9136, business phone at 850-331-3873, or email,

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Rollerworld of Crestview seeks chamber member donations, caterer