Three keys to improving your memory retention

Eden at Crestview Executive Director Alan Woods conducts a community update about the future assisted living community at Samuel's Roadhouse. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

CRESTVIEW — There are three factors in maintaining and improving memory for the elderly, according to Eden at Crestview assisted living community Executive Director Alan Woods: meals, medication and movement. It is the mission of Eden staff to work with its residents in these areas.


For seniors living at home, it takes a lot of time and effort to go to the store, buy groceries, come home, put them away, do the cooking and then clean up, Woods said.  And so it becomes easy to resort to quick, less-than-healthy food options, which can negatively affect memory.

Eden offers popular southern cuisine with meals approved by a registered dietician, according to Woods.


Incorrect medication dosage can have a detrimental effect on memory as well.

If memory is already an issue for seniors, keeping track of medication can become challenging and a concern for family members. Is mom forgetting to take her medicine? Is dad taking too much? Eden can take the worry out of medication management by allowing trained staff to keep its residents on schedule with the right dosages.


Movement encompasses three types of activity at Eden: physical, mental and social. Studies say, according to Woods, physical activity has a positive impact on mental acuity and memory. To this end, Eden provides physical activity like live music for dancing.

Eden activities staff also works with residents to keep their minds sharp with art projects, word puzzles, bingo and card games. There is also a library.

Finally, Woods said socialization is another important tool to maintain mental faculties.

"If mom or dad is sitting at home all day long, they start to withdraw. If you don’t use your social skills," Woods said, "memory starts going (along with) morale and attitude."

And so Eden provides group activities like a "happy hour" to foster building relationships among the residents.

The last Thursday of the month, Eden at Crestview holds a community update at Samuel’s Roadhouse, 114 John King Road. Call 417-0103 or email to RSVP.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Three keys to improving your memory retention