'She has worked tirelessly…'

The Concerned Citizens Group of Crestview presented member and local resident Rae Roberson with an award "to show her how much we appreciated all she's done for us," a CCGC spokesperson said. Roberson (front row, right) is shown with some of her family members and friends. [Jean Bell | Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — When the Concerned Citizens Group of Crestview Community Outreach celebrated its 17th anniversary Aug. 26 at the Carver-Hill School Center, members took a moment to present an award to local resident Rae Roberson.

The award stated, in part, that Roberson was "a faithful worker, food worker and secretary … It is the selfless acts demonstrated within your 20 years of service that show your true measure."

Roberson, who graduated from Carver-Hill High School in 1961, raised two sons, Aaron and Arvesta Roberson, who achieved high-ranking positions in the U.S. military. She also has two daughters-in-law, and one granddaughter.

Roberson had jobs in various fields, including grocery store employment and corrections officer positions.

She also is a member of or has held various positions in groups including:

•The Carver-Hill Memorial & Historical Society

•Carver-Hill Museum volunteer

•Concerned Citizens Group of Crestview

•The Crestview Centennial Committee that organized the city's 100th anniversary celebration

•The Main Street Crestview Association

Rae Schwartz, Foundation of the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce committee member, said, "She deserves any award going! While she hasn't been a part of our art group, she did attend some meetings of the now-defunct Chamber Arts & Culture Committee, and had some good ideas!

"She has worked tirelessly for the Carver-Hill Museum and the Baker Block Museum, and she is a good citizen who attends many city council meetings, as well."

In addition to presenting an award to Roberson, Outreach members brought three housebound community residents to the event; Roberson regularly delivered meals to them when she was able. The four speak to and check up on each other every day.

A group spokesperson said while Roberson can no longer drive, she rides with outreach members when they deliver meals to homebound residents.

Guest speaker for the event was the Rev. Clay Williams of Greater Union Missionary Baptist Church in Century. He said the outreach group's 17-year history is an example of how people can minister to others with a willing spirit, embodying Christ's example as in 2 Corinthians Chapter 4.

"Sometimes they don't see the results of what they are actually doing out there on the street. A lot of people criticize them for what they do out there … but they have a ministry that God has given them," he said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 'She has worked tirelessly…'