Military housing course certifies Crestview resident

Sharon Calderon is now certified in the Boots Across America Military Home Specialist Course. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Boots Across America’s national certification course educates loan officers, real estate agents and housing professionals on how to work with military clients. 

Now, Sharon Calderon, a Crestview resident, joins their ranks, according to Crew Lending, part of the Gold Water Bank, N.A-Mortgage Division.

The Boots Across America Certified Military Home Specialist Course provides the tools and knowledge needed to work with military borrowers in a fast-paced, competitive market.

It also includes timely advice for housing professionals regarding foreclosure prevention, with tips they can give their clients to help them avoid mortgage delinquencies.

The course can result in greater numbers of military families attaining affordable homes through knowledgeable professionals who understand the unique circumstances brought about by military service.

“I’ve been on all sides of the home buying process,” Beverly Ray Frase, the course’s author, said. “I know where the speed bumps are, especially for our military men and women. Working with a certified housing professional should move them down the path to an accurate and timely closing.

“I am a wife of a Vietnam veteran, my son is currently in the U.S. Army, and I grew up in an Army environment and therefore this program is important to me.”

The course helps all housing professionals make sense of the military language, rank and pay system. It also outlines what happens when a service member is injured, and explains how their pay will continue during hospitalization and treatment.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Military housing course certifies Crestview resident