Marketing for Crestview Depot, dog park among CRA projects

CRA Commissioner Doug Faircloth

Editor's note: The original story stated that the cost for the CRA director's yearly cell service would be $15,000. The correct cost is $1,500.

CRESTVIEW — The Community Redevelopment Agency board reviewed the tentative 2017-2018 CRA budget during a special meeting Thursday.  

According to Teresa Gaillard, Crestview’s growth management director, the budget can be changed prior to the final approval at a Sept. 21 CRA meeting. If the board would like to make changes to the budget after the approval, budget amendments will need to be made.

According to the tentative budget, estimated revenue for the CRA during the 2017-2018 fiscal year is $1,183,387, which includes the 2016-2017 end of year balance forward in the amount of $1,144,387 minus $100,000 for a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant and $50,000 for operational funds to cover bills between now and the year’s end.

The $50,000 includes $20,000 for contract services for new CRA director Alisa Burleson; $10,000 for a portion of a planned dog park, $1,500 for cell service for the CRA director, $900 for the hosting and maintenance of a CRA website, and the remainder of funds going toward training classes and traveling to conferences for the CRA director.

Projected expenditures for the 2017-2018 fiscal year are $1,345,887. An estimated $489,587 will be spent on economic revitalization and marketing for CRA projects such as the Crestview Depot and welcome center, the dog park at Twin Hills park, a green park between Twin Hills and Main Street and building and land acquisition.

An estimated $300,000 would be spent on CRA incentive and grant programs, $203,500 on parking, land, signage, buildings and security, and $205,000 on the Community Development Block Grant and grant matching, funding, leasing and partnerships. A total of $12,500 is expected to be spent on education, training and conferences for the CRA director.

Of eight CRA incentive and grant programs projected in the tentative budget, the only program currently in use is the Façade and Building Improvement program, which helps downtown businesses do external beautification projects to enhance aesthetics, according to Gaillard.

CRA Commissioner Doug Faircloth said that he would like to see businesses match the funds or reimburse the CRA, rather than the CRA just give them the money.

“I want [the businesses] to have a dog in the fight,” Faircloth said.

The board approved the tentative budget with all commissioners in favor. The CRA Master Plan and final budget will be approved and adopted on Sept. 21.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Marketing for Crestview Depot, dog park among CRA projects