Business owner catches man doing his 'business' downtown

This screenshot shows the white male suspect who was captured on video before he defecated next to vehicles behind Joey the Jeweler's Aug. 22 in Crestview. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Business owner Joey Tinklepaugh Jr., got an unwelcome surprise at his store the morning of Aug. 22 in Crestview.

His video surveillance system captured footage of a bearded, shirtless man, who appeared to be a senior citizen, dropping his pants and defecating that morning between Tinklepaugh's and his wife's trucks. The vehicles were parked behind their business, Joey the Jeweler, at 201 Main St. N. in Crestview.

Tinklepaugh posted the video on his personal Facebook page; soon, a video of the incident, titled "Crapperman.avi," spread among Crestview social media users.

While Tinklepaugh said he had previously seen spots where people urinated behind the store before, this is the first time anyone left excrement on the property, and in broad daylight, no less.

Tinklepaugh didn't know until he posted the video and saw people's comments that similar incidents had happened to other businesses on Main Street.

"It's happened three times at the food truck section, one at Desi's, one at the tire shop and one at the doctor's offices here in town," Tinklepaugh said.

He reported it to the Crestview Police Department, "who did a report and everything," Tinklepaugh said. He posted the video in an effort to find out the man's name so the police can take further action.

Police are still actively looking for the suspect, according to a CPD media release.

"Incidents like these have a negative effect on the quality of life in our community,” Police Chief Tony Taylor stated in a media release. "It’s just downright shameful when people don’t give a crap about their town.

"It really stinks."

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Business owner catches man doing his 'business' downtown