McClellans celebrating golden anniversary

Wayne and Jo Ann McClellan, who are celebrating their 50th anniversary, owned Panhandle Pampas Nursery for over 20 years. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Wayne and Jo Ann McClellan, of Crestview, are celebrating their 50th year of marriage throughout 2017.

They married Aug. 11, 1967, at the courthouse in Fort Gaines, Georgia.

Wayne worked for the Okaloosa County School District for 35 years. 

He and Jo Ann owned Panhandle Pampas Nursery for over 20 years. Since retirement, the couple has enjoyed traveling and visiting with friends and family.

They have two children, Hollea (Kevin) Ryan and Heather McClellan. They also have two grandchildren, Evan and Charlotte, and are expecting their third in December.

The News Bulletin publishes North Okaloosa County residents' special occasions — birth, centenarian, engagement, wedding and anniversary announcements — at no charge. We may edit submissions for length and style.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: McClellans celebrating golden anniversary