Crestview Toastmasters Club installs new officers

Crestview Toastmasters’ new officers are pictured with Randy Newman, TI’s Area 53 director. From left are Rhonda Rice, secretary; Karen Brown, president; Susan Morgan, vice president of membership; Richard Powell, treasurer; Patti Adams, vice president of education; Newman; and Bruce Adams, vice president of public relations. Shawn Ordway, sergeant at arms, is not pictured. [THOMAS BONI | News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Toastmasters International’s Crestview chapter has installed new officers for its July 1 through June 30, 2018, term.

Randy Newman, TI’s Area 53 director, led the June 27 installation ceremony.

Crestview Toastmasters’ new officers are:

  • Karen Brown, president
  • Patti Adams, vice president of education
  • Susan Morgan, vice president of membership
  • Bruce Adams, vice president of public relations
  • Rhonda Rice, secretary
  • Richard Powell, treasurer
  • Shawn Ordway, sergeant at arms

Toastmasters International helps members meet their public speaking goals.

The president is responsible for presiding over the meeting, assisting the club in earning distinguished club recognition and serves as the CEO.

The vice president of education is responsible for educating and training members, coordinating the club schedule, assisting with education awards, planning speech contests and ensuring each member has a mentor to help him or her get acclimated with the club.

The vice president of membership promotes the club through open houses, membership campaigns, and manages the process of bringing guests to the club.

The vice president of public relations promotes the club to the local community, works with media, and keeps all club social media updated.

The secretary maintains club records and takes minutes at the executive committee meetings.

The treasurer is responsible for receiving and disbursing monies to members as well as balancing the checkbooks and creating a budget.

The sergeant at arms keeps track of the club’s property and ensures the club always has a place to meet.

Crestview Toastmasters meets 6 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at the GFWC Woman’s Club of Crestview, 150 Woodlawn Drive. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Toastmasters Club installs new officers