Santa letters – Walker Elementary School – Angie Raybon's class

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Claus,

Hello how are you? How are your reindeer? Here is a thing I would like. It is World Peace. Mrs. Claus does Santa bring you any of the cookies or eat them all? I want to get you chocolate chip cookies. Santa have a great Christmas and a wonderful trip around the world. Love your friend, Aria

Dear Santa,

Santa this year was the best year ever and I’ve been good. It’s cold right now so I want a hoodie for Christmas and I need new football gloves because I dropped my new ones in a bucket of water. So they are not sticky and they are suppose to be sticky. Now I can’t catch the ball. Can I have a new bike, my dog bit my seat and now my seat is chewed up, so it hurts when I sit on it. That’s all I want. I hope you are doing good. Love, Bentlee

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you? I have been really good this year. How? You may ask, I have been helping my mom around the house. I hope the reindeer are practicing for their big trip and the elves are giving you good reports for all the boys and girls from every city. Thank you for sending my awesome elf, KitKat he’s awesome. I want stuff to decorate my room and make it a whole new space. I want my very own tape with an awesome dispenser, a desk, and a new lamp. I also would like snow. Merry Christmas! Love, Devynn

Dear Santa Claus,

How has your reindeer been? I bet they have been good. Are your elves making a lot of toys? What are your favorite cookies? Mine are sugar cookies. I would like three things for Christmas. A four wheeler that is white, blue, green, and red. I would like a hamster with a hamster house. Merry Christmas Santa Claus. Love, Leah

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been good this year. How are your elves? Speaking of elves, may I touch my Elf Lily? I remember all of the reindeer names, Prancer Dancer, Dasher, Cupid, Rudolph, Comet, Vixen, Blitzen, and Donner. Sincerely, Shy

Dear Santa,

How have you been this year? I know you have a lot of things to do this year so I don’t want to trouble you. So I want to take the pressure off of you. So I got you some milk and cookies. If you want to know what I want for Christmas, I want so beads, an American Girl doll, and that is it but could I get an elf this year? Love your friend, Claire

Dear Santa Claus,

Hi! I hope you have had a great year and thank you for sending a great elf. I named her Joy. There is one thing I want, I want makeup and it is fine if I don’t get it. I just want it and Joy is a really nice elf and I was wondering if I could touch her on Christmas or Christmas Eve. I love Joy! Thank you for sending the right elf. Can we get two more elves for my house? Your friend, Kelsey

Dear Santa,

I hope you are doing ok and your reindeer are too. I’ve been a good girl this year. I hope I can get an Elf on the Shelf. He is the one thing I want this year. I also want an i-phone 8. Sincerely, Jaezelle

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I am having a good day and I’ve been good. So this is what I want a Pop Socket, an i-phone 7+ case that has a cute dog, new boots that are cute and another i-phone 7+ case that is pink and one Pop Socket. Love, Amanda

Dear Santa Claus,

How have you been? Let me tell you what I want for Christmas I want an i-phone X pro and an Apple watch. I hope you have a safe trip. Love, Madison

Dear Santa Claus,

I think I have been a good girl this year. Don’t you think so? I only want a couple of things for Christmas. I want the i-phone 11, a new doll, a bike, clothes, and shoes. I will have your cookies and milk on the table by the Christmas tree. Your friend, Yonna

Dear Santa,

How are you? I’ve been a good boy this year. I help my little sister Ally learn and play. I’m good at school. I just want a couple of gifts for Christmas. I want PS4 games, Team Sonic Racing, and a table cause mine broke. Be safe on your Christmas trip. Your friend, Kenny

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I would like a Barbie house and a Barbie. I hope you have a safe trip. Love, Breyanna

Dear Santa Claus,

How have you been this year? How do you fit in the chimneys? How have the elves been doing? I want a rad robot this year. I am sitting out some milk and cookies for you. Your friend, Zachary

Dear Santa,

I hope your elves are ok and you are too. I hope you wife is ok. I want an i-phone 11. I want my mom to have a girl and my Aunt Renee to have a baby and Mrs. Claus to have a baby. Also I want my dog Luna to have five babies. Sincerely, Dustynn

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I’ve been a good boy this year. I would like for Christmas is Star Wars Legos, a computer, and an Auburn coat. What kind of cookies would you like? What kind of milk would you like? Also, I’d like to have an electric motorcycle for Christmas. I hope you have a good time. Sincerely your friend, Andrew

Dear Santa,

How are you doing at the North Pole? The thing I want most is a dirt bike. I hope you have a safe trip around the world. Love, Izaack

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? Santa I hope you have a safe trip. I want an apple watch for Christmas and a Nintendo. That is it! Merry Christmas. Love, Christopher

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Santa letters – Walker Elementary School – Angie Raybon's class