Santa letters – Northwood Elementary School – Chelsea Hall’s class

Dear, Santa,

I can’t wait for Christmas! I will suprise you with what type of cookie you will get! Witch reindeer do you like the most? My favorite is Rodoph the red nosed reindeer! I would like amibo, an eevee GX pokemon card, and a mystery barbie doll. Love Alana

Dear Santa,

I love Chrstmas. It is a fun holiday. What kind of cookie do you like? I like sugar cookies. I want markers, a white bord. do you like blue, red,? love William

Dear santa,

I whant a HaverBarD. Do you whant cookeis and milk. Aydyn

Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas. i rile ned a apple woch? and i ned a Barbie house with a grog a i ned a cichin and play food for my cichin pless. Love Alissa

Dear Santa,

I luve you and Christmas I wut mi sistr and druthr to stop maen me, hav adrtha den bad and I wunt a borbey camar ples. Love Zoey

Dear Santa

I too exited for Christmas. I wood like for Christmas a malifsint stuff. and a mal baride doll. and desidins Book. and I wood like disedins closes. What is your favirt cookeis? From Grace

DeAr SAntA,

I Am so pumpt up for ChristmAs. HAW Are you? HAW is Ms. Clos? HAW is you’r JoBee? I wunt a new X’Box’1. I wunt a jron. By TJ

Dear Santa.

I have ben good This year. I want pudy, roler-scates, shop-cins, and a yoinicorn-shirt. But wat cined of coockees do you like? Do you have a favret color? Do you eta the snowe? I Love Christmas becas I am whith my family. From. Kylee

Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas. We have cookies and milk for you. What is your favorite color. I want a Dr. cit and a tea set and a kitchen set to. I love Christmas tree’s and I Love cookies. Thank you Santa. Love A’viayna

Dear Santa,

I whant cool math games and a play staysino one and just cuse 4 and just cuse 3 and a dog and whats your favrote cokies and food and sum army men to and las and frags and tanks. And one more bog and want 5 dogs. Brayven

Dear Santa

How do you make besis for chldrin and grous. Wet is your color my farit color is Blue is your lar falld whie elss can you buicc your elss How do you fly to pepall house. Love Tristan

Dear Sante

I wate a ovar for Christmas. I like to get Christmas caas. I wate a irdey for Christmus. I like leas to wet a you Christmus. I like Christmus. I will put the cookies on the take. I will put the milke on the take. MJ

Dear Santa,

I can’t wait for Christmas Eve. but what do you do on Christmas? I open presents and play with them. What I want for Christmas is a fortnight battle bus, a wwe tytle, and video games. Thank you. Love Gavin

Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas. We will mack a spris for you. Do you have rodof the red nose rader? I wode like twiste pets, pokemon cards and a rell dog. I love you….. From Emma

Dear Santa,

I am so eiated for Christns. Whte is your favrikt cukrk? Santa, I wil like a Bobe house and a tay house. Santa this is the Last won I will wot a Tatmr. I Love Santa. Love Victoria

Dear Santa,

I an so excited to sent this leter. I Love Christmas. Do you have a dog? I wate a rabbit and a baby dog. Thank you! Love Mia

Dear Santa,

I Love Christmus. Me my mom and my Family we are going to make choclite cookies and have milke on the table I think your favrote color is rainBow. and i want for Christmas… is LOL’s and a puppy a fox and toys. Love AlAskA

Dear Santa,

I what is your fafot toy? What is your fafot color? I what a hoverbod choger. I what a new tv. I what a fon. Love IzAiAh

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Santa letters – Northwood Elementary School – Chelsea Hall’s class