Teen Miss Choctawhatchee Northwest Florida bears treats for police

Crestview student Lindsay Huckabee, Teen Miss Choctawhatchee Northwest Florida, presents a container of home-baked treats to Crestview Police Sgt. Josh Grace as a “thank you” during the recent National Police Week. [BRIAN HUGHES | Crestview Police Department]

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview Police Department capped off National Police Week with a royal visit.

Crestview student Lindsay Huckabee, Teen Miss Choctawhatchee Northwest Florida, visited bearing a container of cookies and brownies.

Presenting the treats to Sgt. Josh Grace, Lindsay thanked him and his fellow officers for their service to the community, adding, “I baked these myself.”

Sgt. Grace thanked Lindsay, assuring her that he would share the baked goodies with other officers. But before the tray made it to the training room where treats are shared, it made a stop at the Dispatch Center.

“Dispatchers like cookies, too,” senior dispatcher Shawnee Rawles said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Teen Miss Choctawhatchee Northwest Florida bears treats for police