Head Start sites celebrate children's mental health

Brooklyn Aakre, Alonso Esquivel, Jordin Glenny and D'Angelo Mazerat, Crestview residents, lead the way during the Mental Health Awareness walkathon May 5 in Crestview. [Okaloosa Head Start | Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Okaloosa Head Start sites here had a walkathon in observance of the National Children's Mental Health Awareness Week May 1-5.

While the NCMHA Day is May 4, due to severe weather, children, their parents and teachers at both locations walked May 5 in Crestview. The walks ended with a balloon release.

OHS Mental Health & Disabilities specialist Junia Askew, with support from staff members, organized a weeklong program for the observance. It included the reading of a story about mental health; creating art for a display featuring the color green for mental health awareness; dressing in green; parental awareness of mental health; and creating banners featuring green for the walkathon.

The children also had a classroom activity where they discussed "What Mental Health Means to Me."

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Head Start sites celebrate children's mental health