Wood graduates with honors from pharmacy school

Reshay Wood accepts her degree from the Auburn University James I. Harrison School of Pharmacy. [JEFFREY D. ETHERIDGE | SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

AUBURN, Ala. — Reshay Wood, a native of Crestview, graduated from the Auburn University James I. Harrison School of Pharmacy. The commencement ceremony was May 8 at Auburn Arena.

Wood was among 142 students receiving the Doctor of Pharmacy degree, and achieved the magna cum laude designation. The 2010 Baker School graduate is the daughter of Rita Carroll and Jim Wood.

Wood has accepted a full-time position with Crestview Pharmacy,1116  Ferdon Blvd. N.  in Crestview. She has been with the independent, compounding pharmacy since May, 2013, progressing from a customer service position to a certified pharmacy technician to a pharmacy intern, and now pharmacist.

Previously, she received a bachelor of science degree in biology from Troy University in 2013.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Wood graduates with honors from pharmacy school