Crestview man convicted for raping teen

CRESTVIEW — A jury has convicted Samuel Matthew Mosley Jr., on the charge of sexual battery while using a deadly weapon or force likely to cause serious personal injury, according to Bill Eddins, state attorney for the First Judicial Circuit.

The charges arose from a July 27, 2016, incident in the Crestview area. Mosley picked up a 14-year-old while she was walking to a friend’s house and took her to a deserted parking lot.

Once there, he raped and choked the victim to unconsciousness, according to a media release from Eddins’ office. The victim was able to provide a detailed description of the defendant and the vehicle in which the rape occurred. Law enforcement then collected DNA evidence that positively linked Mosley to the sexual attack.

Sentencing is May 18, 2017, before Circuit Judge Michael Flowers. Mosley faces a possible maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

The Crestview Police Department conducted the investigation with assistance from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Children’s Advocacy Center personnel.

Assistant State Attorney Christine Bosau was responsible for the prosecution.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview man convicted for raping teen